The Secret of the Saucers by Orfeo Angelucci, Amherst Press, 1955. (Currently available, combined with his second book, ‘Son Of The Sun: Secret of the Flying Saucers’; publisher, Inner Light, 2008. ISBN-13: 978-1606110041.)
Angelucci’s writing held me captivated from the “Forward” through to the end of this book.
Angelucci’s first contact with space visitors and UFO sightings occurred in 1946 – and in The Secret of the Saucers, he wrote of how, and why, he had been contacted; as well as how these visitations had affected him.
Angelucci also explained that during one of his visitations (including physical missing time), his visitors had explained the Lucifer Rebellion* and told Angelucci how he had been involved, and that he was progressing nicely.
What really fascinated me was that his story began in the late forties and he included: some of his experiences; the reactions of others around when (ridiculing, dis-belief, etc); the government having controlled the press when there had been mass sightings, etc. – – and these are still very common today – over 50 years later!
I recommend this book.
*(In a severely shortened explanation here – Lucifer Rebellion is a theory that those who were in league with Lucifer to overthrow heaven {the Fallen Ones} had been sent to Earth to work towards spiritual re-union with God. Though I, at this time, disagree with this theory, I cannot debunk it.)
July 30, 2009
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