by Andrew Gubb
In the 1970s there was a big phad about these “new kids” – indigo children – that were coming along to change the world. Apparently they were going to bring about a spiritual revolution which would bring heaven on earth by 2012.
Most of what you find on the internet about indigos is pretty confused. Most of the people who write about indigos are not indigos. Some of them are decent channelers, and they at least can channel some decent information, but they often make a good few mistakes while they’re about it. Doreen Virtue – we’re looking at you. Other people are neither indigo nor channelers, and their only source is second-hand, third-hand, fourth-hand…. and we have a set of Chinese whispers that cross the world and before you know it, indigos are unspeakably strong or we’re magical superbeings that can walk on water or God knows what.
Indigos are pretty special creatures. But we’re not Jesus. And we’re not every child, either. Let’s debunk some myths.
Writing is Andrew Gubb, indigo, for your enlightenment. 🙂
Myth #1: all children of a certain age are indigos.
I’ve heard this theory that all children born after 1992 are indigo. Actually I’ve just done a search on google and I hear this same rumour for many different dates ranging between 1984 and 2000. Seemingly the indigo revolution is just on the horizon, and will happen as soon as these children are grown up. Also, they are always children.
Nothing could be further from the truth, people. Indigos have existed for thousands and thousands of years. They are simply a stage of spiritual evolution. This world is still on the green level moving on blue, but every so often a few indigos and crystals come along to accelerate things in strategic points. This world is still at a stage where indigos are made to be leaders and are rare, influential people; they are not about to become the whole population.
And if they were, you’d know it. Indigos don’t keep quiet. If every schoolchild was indigo, there wouldn’t be any schools any more – they would have been blown up long ago.
Myth #2: indigos are all of a certain age; they didn’t exist on this planet before a certain date.
Not my experience at all. I’ve known or heard of indigos up to 50 years old; even one lady of 40 or so, who was inexplicably wiser than her vibration seemed to reflect, told me about her dead father who seemed to have all the traits.
I myself have expressed the indigo energy for several lifetimes.
I think it could well be that we are getting more indigos now. Makes sense. The world in general is going through a really rapid spiritual evolution. We need leaders at this point. So I won’t say no to that.
Myth #3: indigos are all psychic.
I WILL say that indigos are all intuitive to some degree, though not all indigos realise their capacity to talk to spirits, channel angels, see the future and other cool things. I say “realise” this capacity because everyone has it to some degree, it’s just a case of whether you cultivate it or not. Think of it like sporting ability or artistic ability or whatever else. There’s talent, and then there’s training.
So some indigos basically find themselves seeing spirits from day 1, remember their past lives, and all that. Some don’t. I haven’t grown up talking to spirits personally, though most psychics point out to me that I have a lot of ability.
There are some psychics who are very good at channeling messages and have natural ability but are not indigo. You can tell because they channel wisdom but they don’t necessarily live it. 🙂
Indigos have in general what I call “natural intuition”. They’re generally very sensitive and connected, and when they need to know something, they generally know it, in their gut, in their actions, in the things they are drawn to. Contrast this with certain psychics I’ve met who channel everything they can except what they need to know to help themselves. 🙂
Myth #4: All indigos are lightworkers
Hmm, I think all indigos have lightworker potential. A lot of them get stuck in resistance and bitterness though. I’m sorry to say it but a lot of the stuff that goes on in this world is damn hard to forgive – and many non-indigos know this, but they often don’t know the half of it. Indigos feel injustice very strongly, and it’s everywhere. They can get tied up in hate and never get out.
Any indigos reading this, though: work on it, because this life is just a dream and we’re meant to be happy, OK? 🙂
Myth #5: All indigos are spiritual masters
Yes and no. An indigo’s soul is a brilliant light, a sight to behold. However, sometimes the soul isn’t expressed by the incarnation. On the other hand, some incarnations of less experienced people (I hate to say less evolved, because… I just don’t like to think of this as a scale, OK?) are so deeply connected with their spirits, through meditation, introspection and serious dedication to personal growth, that they incarnate greater wisdom than some indigos will. I think Steve Pavlina may be one of these people. Apart from his solitude as a child, he didn’t seem to exhibit the characteristics of an indigo at that point. Not to say I wouldn’t really enjoy having a conversation with this guy. I think he’s wiser than I currently am, or at least he writes better self-help advice.
Steve Pavlina, come to think of it, says that he directly experiences Being (Oneness) 80% of the time (in one old post; I imagine he experiences it more now). I’ve only had this experience in short glimpses fairly recently. So we’re not born enlightened or anything like that. If you work hard you can be more spiritual than an indigo. Some of us get lazy, or addicted to drama. Some of us die bitter. We might be perceptive, but we’re not always high-vibrational. Free will or the choice between fear and love exists on all levels. (Or if there is some level in which it does not exist, I haven’t been there yet to be able to report back).
Indigos like feedback on their blogs
So let’s wrap this up. Indigos aren’t supermen, aren’t X-men, we don’t run about with our pants outside our trousers. We’re not going to change the world in one fell swoop though if you listen to us we can be pretty effective in helping out to a certain extent. We’re not everywhere and we’re not nowhere. We are what we are. Om 🙂
We often have some pretty cool superpowers, but so do you. I couldn’t conclude an article about indigos without reminding you this: whatever we have, YOU have. The principle of Oneness reminds us that all things contain the essence of all other things. A rock has excitement in some microscopic quantity. A bird has intelligence. Pigs have decorum. The Pope has a tiny drop of love in his heart. Jesus had some hatred in him. And whatever the essence of the indigo is – perception, power, energy, genius, whatever it is – you have it too. Not even that far away. Work on your growth, and you can be a master. You’re limited by your potential but not how much you choose to live up to it – and most people never come close to their potential.
More writing about indigos is coming up. By the way, if you are wondering about indigos and want to know if you are one, I always direct people to this article by Kristen Finlayson. The rest of her blog is awesome too. (NOTE: This blog and link no longer exist.)
I don’t know about you, but I have the potential for some dinner!
Hope you enjoyed the article. Do tell me what you think, okay?
Thank you Andrew!
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