My brother Chris came home from a near by lake and was excited because he got to see and take pictures of these petroglyphs that were on top of one of the mountains on the other side of the lake. Chris says that the top of the mountain is a sacred site, and there are people from an ancient civilization and they are trapped under the rock and inner earth, and that they are waiting to be rescued. My husband Gene and I were completely fascinated by his story and wanted to go see them. So, the following Monday afternoon, Chris, his better half Michelle, Gene, kids, dogs and I all headed up to the lake. Chris pulled the boat and we pulled the tent trailer. Our plan was to spend the night and get up very early, before it got to hot, and hike the mountain.
Annoying little things kept happening as we got ready to leave. Nothing serious, just successful attempts to delay our arrival. We get on the road and a life vest blows out of the boat. We were following, so we stop to pick it up. Mean while, Chris sees what is going on and pulls over to wait for us. He sees us coming, so he pulls out onto the highway.
Almost immediately, we notice that he has a low tire on the boat, and before we could signal, the NEW tire starts smoking and he is now riding on the rim. Our spare is a tire that has been sitting in the Phoenix sun for fifteen years. Gene makes a comment that something is trying very hard to stop this trip, but still, we continue at fifty miles per hour. Our next stop is about twenty miles ahead for gas and the items that we forgot from home.
Chris, still ahead of us, stops half way between two gas pumps and announces that his fuel filter just took a dump. The SUV won’t start. Do you think that we are paying attention yet? He finally gets it started and we get his list of items he needs from the store, and we tell him to go ahead, and we will catch up. The trip went pretty smooth after that, until the next morning when the sound of a bee swarm just outside our trailer woke me up.
Apparently, on my brother’s first trip up there, Michelle, got over heated and couldn’t go to the top. This time, she didn’t have any problems, however, Chris, was not quite himself. He doesn’t remember, but he was.
I have hiked many mountains and as recent as three weeks ago, and I have not had a problem climbing to the top with in a reasonable time. I have always been able to communicate with the spirit of the desert, and I have appreciated many wonderful gifts that the spirits have given me when I have been walking the desert. This experience was very different.
The hike was very steep, no biggie and nothing new for us, however about three quarters of the way up, it turns to solid rock. There are piles of all sizes of rock. I have no idea how high the pile is.

Chris just above us
Chris, which was ahead of Gene and I, stopped and sat on one of the rocks to wait for us. I asked him if we were there and he said yes, can’t you feel the energy? I didn’t feel anything except a little on edge, but thought it was more because I was out of breath.
He and Gene started up the mountain again, which was more of the same rock that we had been climbing on the get up there, however, I suddenly froze in my track. I got a panic attack and I began shaking and couldn’t move in any direction. I didn’t know what was happening except that I was NOT going any further. I have only had one panic attack over my entire life until that moment on the mountain. Flashes of images went through me, and I knew that I had to get out of there. I didn’t like it at all. The guys continued up and I inched my way down the mountain. Here are a couple of pictures that were taken when they got to the top.

Looks like DNA Strands.. These rocks are huge.

Gene thought that this rock had fallen over.
This trip was another reminder to me that just about the time you think you can handle something, you find out how very vulnerable you are.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
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