by Linda Aragon

New Beginnings – Getting it Together

Let’s think about this:  So many of us are so very busy, never enough time.  We move swiftly through our day, whether it be work or kids – We must get it done, we must hurry, we seem perpetually to run late – we forget the umbrella, forgot to make the business call, oh, and that package can just be sent out tomorrow…gee, did I turn off the coffee pot?  Sound familiar?.  Yep, we are a fast paced society.  Now let’s take a breath and regroup.  What we can do feel more peaceful and more on top of things?  We all know someone who just seems to have it all together, to breeze through the day, always calm, always smiling, and you can bet – their package got mailed!  What’s their secret?  To begin with Acceptance and Gratitude are key here, but there’s more to think about:  Let’s look at ways we can bring our life to a more peaceful place this year:

Emotional Clutter and Physical Clutter Are Related

Learning how to “let go” is the cornerstone of clearing emotional clutter.  It can be one of the most empowering experiences of your life.  The more you can move and eliminate, the better the flow.  Often people with emotional baggage collect material baggage in the form of clutter in their homes.  Clearing the external clutter is marvelous, but unless you also clear the emotional clutter, you may be doomed to repeat the cluttered house over and over again.  Yes it’s true, the condition of your surroundings reflect the condition of your inner world, and vice versa.  Remember that individual I just spoke of that always seems to have it together, gets places on time, is calm, etc…Check out his surroundings, chances are you will find things in order, neat, uncluttered and visually appealing.  Chances are he/she has dealt with their emotional baggage as well.  You may feel that hanging onto things keeps you secure, so you don’t feel loss and scarcity.  In fact, that is far from the truth.  We hold onto things because we already feel loss and scarcity.  It  simply amplifies the feelings.  Hanging onto clutter and emotional baggage may be the way you feel self-worth, or even self confidence.  It may be a false sense of strength and security.

Tips For Removing Your Mental/Emotional Clutter:

  • Let go of anger and forgive – Anger is bad for your health, both physical and emotional.  Forgiveness is necessary…First and foremost, forgiveness of elf, but also of your perceived enemies, those that have hurt you, done you some sort of disservice, etc.  Carrying that anger or resentment doesn’t hurt them, only you – that is the irony.  It is in your best interest to ‘let it go’ and forgive the other person.  Please remember this about forgiveness:  It doesn’t mean what they did is OK, it simply means I refuse to let you have any power of me anymore.  Want a test…let’s say you run into this individual (the ex, the boss, the neighbor) at the grocery store…if you truly have done the work, no emotional feelings will come up
  • Stop worrying – There is nothing constructive about worrying – it won’t help you avoid the outcome you are worrying about and it certainly will destroy your ability to enjoy the present.  Focus your energy on what you would like to happen instead. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the ‘gift’, which is why we call it the ‘present’.
  • Follow through on promises and commitments – When you’ve said you will do something but you keep putting it on hold, it drains you of energy.  See it through.
  • Say NO to people and activities that drag you down- Surround yourself with people that uplift you and do things that make you feel great!

Now Let’s Address That Physical Clutter

  • Look at your surroundings Identify the areas that need decluttering. Break it down into small tasks rather than one project.  Perhaps the kitchen table, a drawer, etc.  You will be surprised at the momentum you will gain once you get started.
  • Go through your stuff – For each item, ask yourself:  Do I love it? Do I need it? Do I use it? If no to all of these, it goes.  Divide everything into four piles:  Keep, Recycle, Donate, and Dump.  As soon as you’re done, remove the items that aren’t staying.  Feel the calm as you release!
  • Avoid a new build up – once your big clear out is done, periodically repeat process above.  Here’s a tip for the closet: – bringing in a new sweater?  How about letting one go.

Nutritional Tips:

It is important to eat at regular intervals, ideally every 3-5 hours. This helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. Skipping meals is a set up for binging or overeating.

Most of us do not drink enough water. Although you may not experience any symptoms of mild dehydration, extreme dehydration symptoms include dizziness, lack of concentration, irritability and headaches. Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day and you will stay well hydrated. Often hunger urges are really cries for water.

“Be yourself, everyone else is taken”……….Oscar Wilde

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