by Peter Perkins

I have always used energy unconsciously. It is something we all do on a day to day basis. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions all affect the world we see around us. I have begun to consciously use and work with energy in the past couple of years.

Prior to this I have worked with energy in the capacity of trying to help heal a friend who was diagnosed with cancer. She has since gone into remission.

Another friend of mine found out his mother was also diagnosed with cancer and I worked even long distance to try and help her. She certainly was accepting of any help.

Sometimes individuals are not accepting of help. I do know she was also working with Native American healers at the time and she has since experienced a recovery.

I would like to think in some small part in both cases my energy channeling helped. I don’t really consider myself a healer but we all have some capacity to do so.

In recent years I have focused on shielding and working with energy in this way.

My prior experiences of channeling healing energy come from knowledge of a parallel life in which I witnessed myself doing so. My shielding work which in some way I also knew of was refined with the help of Jan Toomer in her Basic Undefined Reality class.

Recently I have experienced some pain in my wrists again the sign of carpal tunnel syndrome. I have had it before and had the release surgery on both hands. I could have lamented and bemoaned it all and in a small way I did.

Then I decided “Why should I?” I have experienced this before and if there were lessons to learn from it I had already certainly learned them. So I set out to work with energy to heal myself. I imagined my hands and saw a tight black circle in the area that I knew the tunnel to be. I expanded that energy wider and wider until it was well away from my hands and dispersed it. I then concentrated positive healing green energy into my hands. It took about two weeks but I am back to typing again without the pain. My hands feel much better.

What can we do with energy? Are there limits? Our bodies are made of energy as is everything around us.

So when I found my vehicle experiencing problems and the check engine light came on I went into that worried, upset, angry state and then after my episode I decided to try and work with energy here as well.

I once again imagined removing the negative energy and transforming it, then shielding my vehicle in the same white light. Two days later I am happy to report the problems are gone and the check engine light has disappeared.

I just want people to know there are options for dealing with things. If I remained in that victim state of mind was I using energy then? Certainly I was. I wasn’t intending to remain in pain from my wrists or pay an exorbitant amount to have my vehicle repaired. Yet my state of mind if I did not step out of that mental place could certainly have lead to both of those situations.

Try it out, work with energy and hopefully you will see some positive benefits in your life!


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