There are a lot of discussions on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and where it may go. One of the questions about AI is how will we be able to tell if something is AI or human created, or a mix?

Eventually, and I believe not far off, we may have trouble discerning if a face or visual is AI created or human created. Is there a way to tell the difference?

AI or Human Created?

Well, remember how I discussed in last week’s article that we are supposed to know our own energy and our self and to listen to self? Here’s yet another instance as to why. Many can already feel if an article or visual seems off somehow; it doesn’t feel right. Listening to self is so important.

The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

There are some cultures who believe photographing their people steals a portion of their soul. Energetically speaking, I find that looking at someone’s photo, I make a direct connection, or energetic line, to that person or being.

For example, a photo of someone can:

  • Usually tell me if they are dead or alive
  • Show some physical or mental health imbalances
  • Tell me they lie
  • Show fear that they are trying to hide
  • Show they are hiding abuse
  • Show me if they are cruel
  • Show me their lack of self-esteem or self-confidence
  • And so on.

And how is a photograph energetically able to show this? It’s in the eyes. I’m sure you’ve heard of this saying before: the eyes are the windows to the soul.

This is true for those who pay attention to the life force subtleties reflected in another’s eyes, in-person or through a photograph.

This is one way, for a visual, that you can tell if the picture representing a human is a real person or an AI generated picture. There is no depth to AI generated pictures of humans. There is no life force present, and a life force is not something you can fake.

When AI generated pictures of humans hit the internet, at least one eye of the character was “off”. To me, it looked like one eye was purposefully distorted in some way: elongated pupil; eyelid slightly tilted on one eye; or one eye slightly bigger than the other.

The lack of depth can also be applied to a work of art generated by an AI – there is no energy signature of the life force of the creator if it is AI generated.

Each man-made creation has an energy signature; a bit of the creator’s energy woven into the creation. Since AI’s don’t have a life force, it cannot imbue an energy signature into the AI creation. It may be visually or mentally intriguing, but will lack any energetic depth.

Who Wrote This?

I’ll admit I played with AI creating content when it was first made available to the public. I was curious as to what it could do. I have to say, I was impressed and…shall I say…relieved.

Though the AI wrote an engaging short story with the parameters I provided, it, again, lacked the energetic depth that comes with something written or created by a human.

AI generated also lacks the human’s “voice” and personality within the creation.

If you’ve been reading my articles over time, or any energy worker’s (channeler’s, etc.) writings, you may have noticed that if you go back and re-read or listen to any of the articles again, you may have seen something new-to-you. That’s because energy workers create with layers – so for writings, you may pick up information and/or messages you didn’t notice the first time you read/listened to it.

This is due to an energetic layering effect on a creative creation; you will see and receive as per where you are (soul growth or development) at the time you read/listened to it. As you grow, you may go back, re-read/listen again and garner more information.

This applies to not only creative writing, but also any hand-made/crafted creation from a human.

Like Everything Else

Just like every other new invention, AI can be used for positive / constructive or negative / destructive purposes. But as one stays in tune with self and trusts self, one should be able to start discerning if it is AI or human created. And it looks like AI may be here to stay, so please use discernment.

By Jan Toomer


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