Okay, I know a lot seems to have kind of gone sideways; I get that.

Well, yeah, we’re feeling pretty tired.

Sure, it appears that world has gone bonkers.

Yeah, it sometimes feels like we’re living in the old lawless west where it’s a free-for-all.

Isn’t it great?

No, I haven’t lost it…well, I’m pretty sure I haven’t lost it. grin

Remember, we chose to be here during this time to help the planet raise its vibration or frequency. Let’s take a look at these great times.


It may seem like total and aggressive chaos, but it’s a necessary chaos; a chaos with a purpose.

We talked in the past about how energy was heavier and more dense, which meant manifesting or any energy work (called spells, magic, etc. back then) took a long time to prep for and work.

This also meant that relationships often experienced explosive energy – like a major fight or blow up, and usually with a lot of anger – which enabled a break up. The heavier more dense energies needed that explosion to break, and end the bond, relationship or connection.

Now We Look at Earth

Earth has had thousands of years of negative behavior, relationships, etc. as well as manipulations, oppression, greed, hatred, fear, abuse and more over Earth’s history. These energies have built up and imbued Earth’s environments with all that negativity.

Sound familiar?

Heavy, dense, negative energies which are now back on the surface and in our face. These are the energies that were stamped “return to sender” – aka, back to the human race.

This tells me that we are indeed in great times. I’m not sure how long the negative will be brought up to the surface – the human race has been building on this negative crap for a very long time – but it’s a sign for us that we are working on “clearing the air”, so-to-speak, to end the negative relationships of and with humans (and the Earth) globally. In essence, we are building up to “break up” with the old ways.

To me, this is also why so many humans seem to be completely lost and confused…they don’t fit in the old angry negative energies and we’ve not yet made fully into the peaceful energies. This imbalance has brought confusion, anger, and in some instances, some very odd thinking processes in the human race (generalized).

These Great Times Indeed

I’m excited because we’re seeing it all coming up, and will extend to an apex. Again, I don’t know how long it will take us – humans – to clear this, but it’s definitely working its way out. The heavier, dense energies are building to the explosive end-of-the relationship energies needed to end the negative energies.

In other words, this chaos is working to help us with breaking up with the old ways and the old systems so we can heal and move into the higher frequencies we are craving as a whole.

So, yeah, we’re tired from working so hard and the whole world seems to have lost morals and sensibility, and lawlessness reared up…but remember why. The human race created this; the human race needs to heal and clear all of this; the old ways are to be dismantled. All of this is clearing the path for better, healthier ways.

I recommend you hold your Light and stay the course!



By Jan Toomer


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