In this video I share about the energies, old and new teams, and more.



Hi. I want to do a quick energy update

So this last week…wow..can I say “Woo!”

So for me, and some others that I know, um, Sunday was like somebody put me in a slingshot and pulled me back and just held me and come Monday it’s like “Boop, off you go!” and I’m jettisoned forward. Um, I’m not saying it was comfortable or fun, but there it was. So yeah, this whole week has been like in Hyper Speed and like today’s the first day I actually had a chance to catch my breath. Um like “do nothing” catch your breath. No appointments, no nothing.

So, though I did have lunch with my friend yesterday, and I really enjoyed it.

So back to the energy, um. We are in a very much fast forward mode right now. Um and with that comes a lot of more purging stuff we didn’t realize that we still had in us. So all these solar flares, CME’s, Geo storms, uh, will continue; and their purpose is to bombard us with enough energy to pull this stuff up and out. So amongst other things other reasons, um, I felt like I was so close to crashing and burning and then suddenly something was lifted. And so I sat down and I was really focused on my body. And what was that? What was released or purged or removed? And It was um, Ancestral Cellular; something that has been passed down generation after generation after generation and voila. Okay, I’m gonna clean this mess up. That’s what we’re here for. So apparently that’s what I did. Um, I don’t know exactly what it was, but by golly is gone.

So there you have it. The other thing is, um some of you energy workers and whatever capacity may suddenly have felt a void. And I did put this the first article was April 13th? 18th? It was mid-April.

When there was a follow-up was this month on my blog and it’s a bit more detail. So what’s happening is, for those of us who have been working to lay the foundation clear the path and all that for the new to come in and be built, we were kind of in a like a Hiatus or sabbatical, and now we’re back to work. But we’re still not quite sure what this new work is. So let me explain.

For me, and I’ll share mine so maybe it’ll resonate with, you my team from birth to you know, this year was always available right here (open palm of hand facing my face). I could see them I can communicate with them or they’d move over here (off to my side) if I was talking to a client, um, and then suddenly they were gone. I mean gone, I couldn’t feel them, I couldn’t see them.

And this new team came in. But this new team would not come face on; they stood facing this way (my hand is turned so that the thumb is pointing to my face), so I’m looking at their shoulder and their arm; the side of their bodies.

So, um, perhaps temper tantrum would be the correct term. I had a temper tantrum. So I called my old team back in and I’m like, “What the heck? You guys disconnected from me – so it felt – and suddenly there’s this new team here that is not even looking in my direction. What’s going on? And why wasn’t I given a head heads up?”

So my understanding as of now is my old team has been shifted aside. They’re still there. I can still access them. But this old team was working with me through my soul plan as Jan.

They’ve been shifted and a new team has come in. So who the heck is this new team? This new team is the galactic team. So what was explained to me is that we have finished our soul plan; clearing up all the stuff as being human – past, present future, whatever – cleaning all that up. Now we get to the meat of why we’re on Earth.

Our Galactic mission. This is the galactic team (my hand is once again with thumb facing my face).

Um, after my little temper tantrum – I’m very vocal with how I feel, we’ll put it that way, especially when I’m annoyed or ticked off. So this Galactic team, I’m not feeling a connection to (A) because they’re new. (B) Because I was torqued that they just showed up out of nowhere. Nobody gave me a heads up. And thirdly it’s…or is that (C)? They’re not communicating.

So I picked one. (I finger point.) “You. I want a name.” And we started communicating and it’s kind of um, uh…it’s awkward.

And so I was given a name and this being explained that none of them on the new team have ever been human unlike the original team; none of them know or have ever communicated with humans. Again, not like the first team.

And some of them are observing how I react and others react to this change.

Not well.

So in the articles, I explained that some people are feeling abandoned; they felt avoid; they were grieving the loss of their team. So let me put this right out there, the old team’s not gone, they’ve just made space — moved over for the new team.

New team knows what the galactic mission – the real reason we’re here. We’ve done all the Soul Plan work, now we get into the bigger stuff. They know why we are here. They just don’t know how to communicate with us through our emotions. They don’t understand emotions. They don’t have emotions. Um, so have to use a lot of telepathy – mind pictures, gists of what we’re talking about.

I do not know overall what this galactic mission is for me or anyone else. And I kind of complained that I feel like I’m at starting at the beginning again. So while I’m working this out within me and with my new team, I wanted to let you know it’s not happened for everybody. Um, some people are not on a galactic mission. Yay! Um, but some are and we’re the ones that are feeling this disruptive shift in our “norm”.

Okay. So in the meantime, I am going to continue with these videos if you guys are still interested in, and you know, the stuff up to this point, like the paranormal stuff and the spiritual stuff even miscellaneous, including bloopers. I am not perfect. I will always have bloopers, so I will continue those.

Whilst I am working on figuring out this whole galactic mission thing and ways to communicate with the new team and work with the new team on a more conscious level. So having said that, one of the ways of the new team is working with us is really unusual vivid memorable dreams or at least snippets of vivid memorable parts of the dream. They’re coming in and working through dream time.

One thing I do know is that their presence working with those of us that had a galactic mission are working on the soft disclosure. And they are trying to prepare the human race for the understanding, if they don’t already have it, that we are not alone. And that, yes, there’s good aliens, yes, there’s bad aliens, but it’s the good ones right now at least through the energy workers who are aware and monitoring their energy that um, they’re trying to help us, to help us – as in the human race. So their goal is a soft…one of their goals is a soft disclosure and so learning how to communicate with us this is one of their goals. Um, observing us. One of the comments was, snarkily, I took it as snarkily; remember they don’t have these emotions. My reaction to what had happened with the teams is why they’re doing a soft disclosure. They were like, “See? This kind of what we’re talking about.”

Just letting you know.

So yeah, okay, back to the energy. So we’re going to be working on the soul mission; working with these new teams; still have access to our old teams. And one of the biggest messages that have come through the last week and a half and it’s over and over and over and over again, “Use your abilities!”

So I’m like, “I have been.”

And they’re like, “No. You haven’t been using all your abilities.”

So there’s another adventure to go on. I love discovery. I love adventures in that aspect. So I don’t know where this is going to bring me, but I’m going to bring you all along, you know, as I discover, I’ll share with you.

So upcoming, the solar energies are going to continue and they might even increase. And this is…sounds horrible the way I’m going to put… really pounding us to get all that icky stuff all the way out, to help those who have not awake in spiritually to do so – get them started. Um, so it’s a big, big push – big shove of energy going, “Come on.” So that’s going to continue.

My feel as of right now, is that through the rest of this month, things are going to be fast forward and a lot of stuff coming in energetically. Um, which means for energy workers, we got a lot of stuff coming in on the physical realm because people are reacting and need help sometimes balancing, anyway.

June, if I understand correctly, and I don’t follow astrology and astronomy – except for in the fact that Virgos (pointing to myself) get hit hard during Mercury retrograde – so there’s a planetary alignment coming up, and I think it’s going to have a huge impact with us, and I don’t mean it in a negative way. It might get a little uncomfortable, but I feel like this fast forwardness is going to continue and that this alignment, I’m hearing is going to bring about some more balance for the planet; for the people; for the energies – even though we’re still going to get a lot of these solar energies coming in. Um, that’s not going to stop.

All right. So I went over the 10 minutes. So this has to go not there, so I’m going to have to wait.

So another thing is people are finding – some people – are finding they can’t ground into Mother Earth. What the heck are we supposed to ground into?

We are self-contained.

Yep, we’re self-contained. So we’re supposed to be grounding into self.

So I’ll share what I do. So when I do my morning – as soon as I wake up – I have my little routine. Connecting with the team and receiving messages from the team, whether I want to hear them or not. So what I do is…

“I am not Jan Toomer.

I am the light.”

When I say this, I feel such a surge of energy within me expanding out and making like a shield. It’s a bubble around me. Um, and then I treat it just like shielding—so you can find shielding on my website.

Shielding is a way to clear the space your energy and not to take on somebody else’s energy. Okay. It’s like a buffer zone for you. So when I say “I’m not Jan Toomer. I am the light”, this light from within me just 360.

Um the other thing that used to do with my team, was that I asked my team, “The highest and holiest aspects of my team – please help me and guide me and direct me. Thank you for protecting me… continuing to protect me and bless me and clear my path.”

Well, since we’ve had this changing of the team, that doesn’t seem to work for me, because they keep saying, “You’re the one directing and guiding you. You’re the one protecting and blessing you; you’re the one that cleared your path. The path has never been unclear.”

Well, pfft.

So, I connect with me. All of me. My higher self. My energetic self. Just all of me.

And I’m in gratitude that I’m on this journey. Sometimes I have temper tantrums; speak my voice or whatever you want to call it. But it’s coming from within it is never been from out here. It has always been in here. Always. It’s just that now we’re progressing enough that it’s like oh light bulb goes on; got it!

So yeah, that’s where we’re at right now. We’re being asked to not use our teams as much anymore. Now having said that, when I’m working with a client, the teams will definitely come in if there’s something they say like, “Look, we need you need to talk about this. Okay? We need to bring this up.” So yes, they’ll definitely help continue helping. Um, just they’re not going to be like right here anymore (palm facing my face). Because it’s us; we’ve been doing it all along.

And if you want to take it a step further, since we’re one, we’re all from the same source. All these beings (indicating old team) and all these beings (indicating new team) are just another expression of me; or just in your world, another expression of you. We’re all one, we’re all connected.

All right. That’s all I got. So stay balanced. Stay centered. Um work on your Inner Light because that’s where everything’s coming from.

Okay. Questions? I’ll do my best to answer them.

*  *  *

(Personal note: My apologies. I never knew I used “so” so much. *grin*)

by Jan Toomer


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