So what happens when two mediums go to a hotel?

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Two Mediums in a Hotel

Hi! This next video can go under two categories; it can go under a metaphysical for abilities, just mediumship, and it can be under paranormal for ghosts. So, what happens when two mediums stay at a hotel? That kind of sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. But it’s not.

So this is the question that was brought to me recently. Um, the reason hesitating is…it’s the same thing that happens when just one medium stays in a hotel.

Mediums are, are those who can communicate, see, hear or know the other side.

Hotels are notorious for having, Hmm, unfortunate end of life events happen in them. Does that mean they’re haunted? No. Does that mean they’re not haunted? No.

So when a medium goes anywhere…anywhere…we have this signature in our energy that shouts out to the non-physical world, “Hey, I can see you or hear you are or know your presence. I can communicate with you.” And so we’re the big beacon, just blah, a big neon sign going, “Here I am! Here’s the medium.”

We’re gonna segue a little bit here and so what happens when two or more spiritual and/or energetic workers get together in the physical? If you don’t know, it boosts both being’s energies higher.

So, when – we’re going back to the single one – when a medium goes into a hotel or anywhere, and has learned to control their ability, which means they’re not at the mercy of every ghost, earthbound, spirit – in other words it can be dialed down, and turned up as needed. So, going anywhere or even staying at home, you never know who you’re gonna run across on the other side, who’s gonna pop up, okay? Because you’re this big bright light in the darkness; like a candle in the dark. You can see it from a long ways away, right? So that’s what happens.

In the immediate area wherever you are and the ghosties are spirits are interested in talking to you, they will see your light and they will come to you; doesn’t mean I will acknowledge them, especially if I’m working with somebody or trying to sleep. So when you have two that go into a hotel, yeah, that light is amplified, big time. So if there’s any in the hotel and they want attention or to communicate, they’re going to flock. So Yeah, that’s what happens.

When one, or even more mediums, go to a hotel or anywhere else, we do have the choice to learn how to turn it down; the ability. Okay? Um, yeah. so it may sound like the beginning of a bad joke, and for the untrained, it might be pretty darn scary.

My husband and I once went up to um, Ruidoso and we rented a cabin up in the mountains. And I’m lying in bed and I can feel a presence enter the room. And I’m like, “Go away. Go away. I’m tired, go away, go away.” I’ve got my eyes closed. “Go away. Go away. I’m tired.”

I open my eyes a little bit, and there’s a face right here, and it’s a little boy. I want to say 1700s maybe 1800s. Um, in my face. I look at him and I’m like, “What?”

“You can see me?”


As soon as I said yes, another being entered the room and it was a woman, probably from the same time period. She had on the long skirt and a blouse and a bonnet and she’s telling a little boy, “You need to leave the lady alone.”

I was like, “Yes, I’m on vacation. You need to leave the lady alone.”

They didn’t want to cross over. They were happy to be there. They’re happy be together. Just the little boy’s curiosity put him right in my face.

So yeah, our energy signatures is broadcast what we are.

Over the years, ghosts have a tendency to avoid me – which I think we covered in one of the videos – because my energy, my essence, also carries a signature of being able to cross these Earthbounds or ghosts over; never against their will. But they don’t want chance it they don’t want to get close to my energy and, you know, think of me like fly paper at least in their minds. That if they get too close, they get stuck on my energy and get sent to the other side. That’s not how it works, but they’re not going to take any chances. And again, I never forced anybody, but apparently that’s not loud enough in my signature, they’re just like, “Oh, I know what you are, stay away. We’ll come back when you when you leave. We’ll say hi from a distance.”

When two get together, it’s a lot bigger announcement out into the non-physical realm.

With any medium, I recommend you get training with somebody that’s reputable, someone you trust and you don’t have to pay out of the nose to get the training, okay? Because having control over that, setting parameters, is very helpful for medium.

So what happens when two mediums can go to a hotel? A lot more ghosts show up because we’re twice as bright.

So thanks. Do you have any questions? Let us know. Thanks.

By Jan Toomer



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