A closed book with a white cover lays on a bed of flowers and leaves. The book's title is "A Guide to 2024's Energies and Tips to Navigate Them Part Two"



Part One

In Part Two, we’ll take a look at the following. Most of these sections contain links to other articles pertaining to the topic:

Intro to what you can do
Knowing and listening to yourself
Healing and releasing your past
Accepting responsibility for all of you
Staying out of fear
Consciously create and hold your attention, energy, and thoughts on what you do want
A key to ascending
Speaking your truth
Who are you really?
You are contagious
Calling your energy back to you
A note from Jan
In a nutshell


We are in a time – energetically – of changes. We are in transition from where we were to working and moving towards where we deserve to be (in accordance with our frequency); but this means more changes will move from our energy fields to our “physical” reality.

Even though changes can be uncomfortable, there are some things you can do to keep yourself on track.

What Can I Do?

You can do the work, or if you started then continue working on the following:

Knowing and Listening to Self

How many times have you ignored that “gut feeling” or intuitive ping, ignored it, and later thought, “I should’ve listened to myself.”? It’s important to begin listening to yourself. It may take practice because a lot of us were/are still in “Listen to others; don’t listen to self” programming.

For More:

Know Self (Energy Update – February 9, 2020)

Listen to Yourself

The Truth Can Be Heard and Felt (News & Views – January 7, 2019)

Blindly Follow

Sabotaging Self with Self-Doubt

The Haze of Uncertainty

Can I Hear Me Now?

Do You Respect Yourself?

A How-To Guide for 4th Dimension

What If I Hadn’t Listened?

Remembering Who You Really Are


Healing and Releasing Your Past

Facing that which you had ignored; stuffed away to be dealt with later…which the time is now…helps you empty the old stuff out. This makes room for the new to come in. It also “lightens your load”, providing the opportunity for you and your energy to elevate.

For More:

Being Triggered (Energy Update – September 18, 2023)

Return to Sender

It’s the Journey

No More Hiding

The Past is Here, Now

Past Revisited – Again

Pardon Me…Your Past is Showing

Peace Within

Don’t Try So Hard

Accepting Responsibility for All of You

Accepting responsibility for ALL of you puts you back into the driver’s seat for your life/reality. It removes the victim-mode energy from your being.

In victim-mode, you are giving away your precious power. I don’t mean ego-wise. I’m talking about your energy. Getting your energy back means more energy, more control, for you.

For More:

It Shouldn’t Be This Hard

Where Are You On The Scale?

Stay. Out. Of. Fear.

Why? For a few reasons: Fear weakens your energy field. A weakened energy field may also weaken your physical body; you cannot hear or feel your inner guidance or truths when in fear. Remember, fear is anything that is not of love. When in fear, you become malleable (easily influenced) for negative energies to distract you, control you and/or direct you.

If you catch yourself moving into, or are in fear, there are probably a myriad of ways to move out of it. Here are some examples:

  • Think of something that makes you smile – your child, a happy memory, a butterfly, and kind act someone did for you.
  • Play with your animal companion. Animals live in the now and playing can help you to adjust your energy.
  • Move into gratitude. What are you grateful for? List them.
  • Put one hand on your forehead and one on your heart. It is safe, close your eyes and feel that connection.
  • Be direct with your thoughts. “Nope, I’m not going there!” and turn your attention and thoughts elsewhere.
  • Gardening; sitting with your back against a tree or hug a tree and allow the fear to leach out of you.

For More:

In Love or In Fear

Following the Fear

Here Are Your Fears

The Gift of Fear

Bucket O’Fear

Step Out of Fear

Energy Update – January 28, 2024

How Can There Be An Us Versus Them?

Undercurrents of Uncertainty

Return to Sender

Beware the Cult Mentality

It’s All in the Heart

Stand Tall in One’s Truth

Consciously Create and Hold Your Attention, Energy, and Thoughts on What You Do Want in Your Reality

This is most important now. We are quick to list what we don’t want, but the energies only knows what your attention and thoughts are on; and that is what the Universe will bring to your front door.

Instead we need to flip that and put our intentions, focus and energy into what we DO want. For example:

  • Peace for self and peace for all humans.
  • To be in one’s highest and best timelines.
  • To be in one’s highest and best energy.

For More:

Chasing Shadows & Rainbows

The Next Step

What About Joy?

A Key to Ascending

Ascension is not about rising up and going someplace else. It’s all about you and what’s going on within you – your energetic frequency and vibration.

A key to your individualized ascension process is to be authentically you. No masks, no hiding, no pretending to be something or someone you truly aren’t.

For More:

Stripped Down to the Bare Bones

Remembering Who You Really Are


Speak Your Truth

Speaking and living your truth is important.

It doesn’t mean:

  • You say every mean or hurtful-to-others thought comes spewing out of your mouth.
  • That your beliefs and truths need to be shoved down someone else’s throat.
  • That you should shout your beliefs and truths from the mountain top.
  • To not be a “yes-man” just to be liked, etc., if it goes against what you feel is your truth.

It can mean:

  • Walking your talk.
  • You can speak your truth without being abrasive or aggressive.
  • You can set boundaries in your life and sticking to them (self-respect).
  • Living your life as the real authentic you.

For More:

What is Truth?

Speak Your Truth

The Truth Can Be Felt and Heard (News & Views – January 7, 2019)

Stand in Your Truth

Who Am I?

Because we’re accepted labels throughout our life that defined who we are, we aren’t sure who we really are. We each became a compilation of expectations, labels and conditionings from those throughout our life.

So, who are you really?

For More:

Bound by the Illusions

Please Don’t Feed the Duality

Where Do I Fit?

Getting to Know You

Be the Best You That You Can Be

Closer to the Soul You

Know Self (Energy Update – February 9, 2020)

You Are Contagious

Whatever energy you are exuding; where ever your thoughts lead you, your energy is a contagion to others. I recommend being a contagion for peaceful energy; loving energy; truthful energy. Spread that around everywhere you go.

For More:

The Law of the Garbage Truck

Holding the Light

What’s So Special About You?

Call Your Energy Back to You

We can call our energy back to us. Again, there’s a few ways to accomplish this. One is Soul Fragment Retrieval.

Soul Fragment Retrieval Video

Another is to sit still and say, “I’m calling all of my energy back to me. It is cleansed and filled with white light before it reincorporates into me.”

A Note from Jan

I hope this guide helps you on your journey. Please remember, this information is coming from my experiences, understandings, beliefs and truths as of now. You’re welcome to take what fits you and leave the rest.

* Reminder: You accept responsibility for your own actions, thoughts and words.

In a Nutshell

I cannot say the any magic words to help you on your path. I can, however, offer this article to help you on your journey. But the nutshell is this: Finding or discovering your authentic self and living your authentic life is pretty important for this lifetime.

I can’t say this article is a catch-all since we are constantly changing, individually and globally. But this may be a good place to start or to review.


Okay, enough heavy stuff. Genuine laughter raises your frequency, so if you want, here are some of my YouTube channel bloopers… perhaps they’ll make you laugh and lighten your energy! I have other videos on YouTube of various topics. You can find those at my Youtube channel: @jantoomer3828





by Jan Toomer




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