by Jan Toomer

(Lost Thoughts, Part One)

What is Space Junk?

You know when someone has rudely cut you off – in conversation; while driving; in the grocery store, etc.? That created a spontaneous and usually unpleasant thought.

Most of us do not act out that angry/ annoyed/ hostile thought – so that thought was not given enough energy to manifest into our dimension (we didn’t punch someone or ram our vehicle, etc) – it just didn’t happen. We just kept our angry thought inside of us and/or perhaps shared our thought with a friend. And we then moved on.

But the energy of those thoughts, good or bad; unformed or half-formed; did not just move on. It became suspended in a type of limbo, slightly out of sync with our dimension. They became our lost thoughts, our “space junk”.

Okay, if I have lost some of you now – I will try some analogies about not physically seeing our junk.

How many of you just vacuumed your house and thought (especially those of you who live in the desert) – “Great, now the dust is gone!” only to pass by a window or light which highlighted little particles of dust floating by? We did get some of the dust, but there is more that we don’t physically see all the time.

Or what about the real space junk floating above our earth? We do not physically see it, and we often do even think about the satellites and/or other debris that is out there – but, it is there nonetheless – we just can’t physically see it.

Not physically seeing something doesn’t mean it went away or that it is gone.

I’ve mentioned in the past how our energy (humans & Earth) has been raising in frequency/vibration. As our vibrations/frequencies continue to raise, the barriers between dimensions, realities, etc., becomes thinner – therefore, becoming more accessible to us.

The ‘limbo’ dimension where we kept our unformed thoughts has merged with our current dimension. We now are facing our own unfinished/unformed thoughts from the past.

We have to clean up our garbage before we can move on – and we have a lot of “space junk” out and about….

So, it boils down to this – our thoughts that we each left floating out and about – yes, each and every one of us! – has now rejoined us to be dealt with.

Please realize that each and every one of us needs to address this! There are no others capable of removing your space junk. And your space junk is going to keep on you until you acknowledge your responsibility of that creation and heal it. We are talking a lifetime, per person, of accumulated ‘space junk’ that has returned to each one of us.

Peter Perkins and I did some experimenting and have come up with a formula – if you will – on how we can each clean up our “space junk”.

Formula Outline
developed by Jan and Peter

Pulse (if you want to ‘see’ them)
Acknowledge them (I did this by pulsing and seeing them)
Variation of Ho’oponopono

  • Please forgive me – for forgetting you
  • I am sorry – for leaving you in limbo
  • Thank you – for this learning opportunity
  • I love you, cleanse and heal you, and release you back to the Source (use your term here – God, Goddess, etc.)

And mean it.

Questions and Answers

Q: When we acknowledge our unfinished thought creations, are we acknowledging those just from this lifetime or this lifetime and past lifetimes?

A: We do not have that answer at this time. It is my recommendation that you do this exercise with the intent of clearing up all of your unfinished thought creations, which can include past life times as well.

Q: Why is it that no one else can clean/clear our unfinished thought creations on our behalf?

A: My understanding is that we are separating from the group consensus for manifestations on Earth – which means one cannot do for many; we each have to take responsibility for our own thoughts/actions/creations/unfinished creations. This means you have to accept responsibility and take care of your own.

Q: What if someone is incapacitated and cannot do this on their own now?

A: I can offer up that you try on behalf of that person – if it is not meant to be done by proxy, then the unfinished thought creations will not dissipate.

Q: If we do this one time, does that take care of all of our unfinished thoughts?

A: It has been our experience that doing the first clearing does heal/remove a large bulk – however, we have found that when we check back we find more waiting to be addressed.

Q: I don’t believe in this – so if I don’t believe in it means I don’t have to take responsibility for my own thoughts.

A: I am sorry you feel this way – and you are free to believe in what you want. I will tell you, though, that soon denial will no longer be a luxury. We are all heading towards our thoughts manifesting instantly. We are just being given a chance to clear our own backlog – so to speak – so we won’t have that piled up while we are suddenly dealing with instant manifestation of our current thoughts.

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