I was writing an article on laws of attraction (like attracts like) when I received a phone call from a dear friend – and lo and behold, we discussed that very same thing.

When we got off of the phone, I realized that, although the topic is very important, there are books galore out and about on that very same subject.

My next thoughts were, “Yeah, there is a lot of material out there on that – but how many just read the words and not know the reality of the laws of attraction?” Well, as my usual way of thinking, that of course made me go deeper and led me to, “How well do any of us really know ourselves?”

Think about it.  Sure, we know whether or not we like chocolate; what types of movies we like; our style of clothing; our hopes and dreams, etc. But not many of us know our inner selves.

(Okay, hang in there with me, all of this will come together!) All of my life, I would ask people, “How do you think?” which was usually met with “Huh?” I wanted to know what was the process they used to think. Well, that is not a very practical question.

Then I wanted to know how each person interpreted, for example, the same landscape scene. Again, not a practical question. We each see and think the way our brains, upbringing, beliefs, etc. have helped shape our thinking process.

Later in life, I wondered how others saw this one particular individual. This individual held a position of power; and some were attracted to that.

My ‘seeing’ showed me a being who oozed black slimy stuff and his energy, to me, felt dirty. Being physically close to him literally turned my stomach, and I could not stand to look at him for a lengthy period.

I watched as those around him, on a daily basis, interacted and acted with or around him. A pattern emerged. Those who also exuded ‘slime’ in varying degrees did not seem uncomfortable around this person – they actually seemed energized by it.

Those who did not seem to possess this ‘slime’ acted in one of two ways: they would either be near this individual for very brief amounts of time or would use an intermediary to make the contact for them – thus avoiding any closeness with that person.

From there I wondered if that person knew how others perceived him.

This thought brought me to the next question: “How do others perceive me?” (Getting an idea of my thinking process? Dizzying, eh?)

So I began asking, and received many different perspectives. I decided that this wasn’t a very objective way to see myself from the outside or through the eyes of others. Is there a way to get an objective view of self? A view of what is really going on inside as well as what we put out there for the rest of the world to see. The answer is an unequivocal yes, there is a way.

When Anthony Preman, Numerologist, charted and verbally presented it to me, it was like an objective mirror was being held up to me – and I was fascinated. Through his chart reading, he was able to answer my question about getting an objective view of self and received the information beautifully and gracefully. Now, mind you, there is a lot more to your chart than what I am presenting here – this is but a minute piece.

This is not a short cut to knowing one’s inner self – that work has to come from each individual; but that mirror (Numerology) really helps.

I still do not have the answer to how each individual thinks – and no longer ask that question.

Over the past 5-7 years, I have been digging deep within – facing my own fears, weaknesses, strengths, skills, etc. as well as discovering how to not only better myself, but find out just who the heck I am….inside…the real me.

I still ask questions of myself and others – I ask for guidance from others as well as from my higher self.

So now you are probably asking, “What the heck does this have to do with laws of attraction?” A lot; and if you don’t know you, then how do you know what you are attracting?

Which, of course, brings us right back to: like attracts like.


Jan Toomer
October 21, 2008

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