by Linda Aragon

As a Holistic Life Coach, one of the most often asked questions I receive is “How do I know what my Life Purpose is?”  Some seem born with a sense of what they are to accomplish here, others struggle years to answer this question.  Although it may seem like it could take eons to answer this question, I don’t think this is necessarily true…it does require however, incredible honesty with one’s self. So I’m offering you a way here to help you along, see what comes forth for you.  First and foremost, in a general sense, I believe we are all here to evolve, spiritually and intellectually.  In the viewpoint of Soul Contracts, we set up a path that will most likely facilitate this growth.  Some of these lessons can indeed be difficult.  We also strive for balance, known as Karma for some.  There is a reason for it all.

So let’s get started on answering the question of What is Your Life Purpose? First, let’s be clear; Life Purpose may or may not include a career path. Purpose is not always about what we do – but more about who we are and where we’re going with our lives.

Here’s some questions to help you discover “YOUR” Life Purpose:

  1. What is the one thing you love most about yourself? And another?
  2. List 4 unique gifts you know yourself to have.
  3. What is something you always wished you had done in your life?
  4. If money, material possessions, people in your life were not a consideration, what  would you be doing?
  5. On a scale of 1-10 – how important is it for you to find an answer to number 4?
  6. What do other people tell you they appreciate about you most?
  7. What about that excites you?
  8. What kind of people do you most like to be around?
  9. If you could give them one gift of yourself, what would that be?
  10. Close your eyes and imagine your life 5 yrs. From now, what would you most want to be doing?
  11. How could you accomplish that?
  12. What are you feeling right now?
  13. What does the deepest ‘YOU’ tell you that your purpose is?
  14. When you listen to the voice of your heart, at the core of your being, the center of all your deepest yearnings, what would you like to express in your life from this moment forward?

Go back over your answers and highlight the words or phrases that jump out at you.  Reflect on these.   Begin to write a paragraph about your Life Purpose starting with the statement – “The Purpose of my Life is………and to……….

After completing your paragraph, close your eyes and picture yourself as the person you’ve just written about.  How right does that feel to you?”

You may find yourself writing several drafts –or it may just take one.  When it ”feels” finished, and you’re excited about it, you’ll know you’ve arrived!  Maybe yours just needs updating.

Sound too simple? – I hope you’ll give this a try and I welcome any feedback!

Linda Aragon – Holistic Life Coach

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