For the past two weeks I have received phone calls, emails and texts about experiences amping up with ghost sightings as well as seeing “uckies” (demons, man-made golems – aka shadow beings), attachments and other-world beings.

On the surface it may appear that the activity has severely increased, like the “other beings” are interacting with humans more.

Well, Yes and No

Yes it appears to have increased; No, it really hasn’t.

What I mean is this:

We (humans) have raised our energy frequency (through soul growth experiences, meditation, conscious awareness, conscious creation, accepting responsibility for all aspects of self, etc.).

Since we have raised our frequency, we are more able to: access; have more conscious interaction with; be more aware of other dimensions and/or frequencies.

It is not that ghosts, etc. have become more numerous; rather, it is the humans have become more sensitive and many are now becoming consciously aware of that which has been around for perhaps eons. This means more people are having more conscious interaction with the “paranormal”.

We have become more able to see, sense, hear, know, etc. other-beings and/or other dimensions. Whereas in the far past, it took a seer, magician, wizard, medicine person, prophet, etc. to see, hear, know, etc.

Then as time progressed, more people could see, hear, know, etc.

Those sensitives, gurus, seers, etc. were placed throughout history to aid and guide humans as well as to show us what was possible for humans to do.

Today, so many people are engaging in it – first person. In other words, more humans are aware, which means more sightings and experiences are being reported.

Now, having said that, there has been an increase of conscious human contact with “ascended” beings – those who had previously worked their way through 3rd, 4th, 5th and some higher, dimensions.

This does not make those higher dimensional beings omnipotent or infallible! It just makes them more experienced.

But overall you really need to trust you and your own inner guidance.


Some people have moved into fear with this expanded conscious awareness.

I know it can be scary when you step out of your known “comfort zone” – but I honestly think that your higher self felt it was time and/or you were spiritually ready for this next step.

No Crap!

Most of you won’t take crap from another human (with a body) when it comes to you or your: spouse, significant other, child, pet, etc.  Good for you!

So don’t take crap from a human – or any other being – who just happens to be without a body.

This is where you may have new boundaries to set. Just because they are not 100% solid doesn’t mean you are at their mercy. Don’t take crap from them or fear them.

Fear drains you – your life force – and guess where it goes?

It feeds those bullies – human or other being – with or without bodies – who are trying to create fear in you; this means more food for them.

But What If I Don’t Want It?

Please talk to, and trust, your higher self, your team (aka – guides, angels, etc.) and your Source (G-d, G-ddess, etc.). Talk to them (like you would a best friend) and explain your fears – ask they work with you to help you through this.

Please remember that there are also other humans who can help you as well.

Don’t Get Taken – But Please Compensate

If you seek out another to help you, ask others about them (if you don’t know them yourself) before you engage them.

It should not cost you an exuberant fee to have someone aid you! I do believe in compensating someone for their time, energy and expertise (just like you get compensated at work for yours) but it should be realistic. Also, you can send donations to those who help you and don’t charge you.

by Jan Toomer



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