Two deceased beings (humans who lived, died, crossed over and are now working with in-body humans) popped in repeatedly over the last two weeks. Today they requested that I begin writing down what it is they want to share – their messages or insights. (Names are withheld for the families privacy.)
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Please Don’t Judge Someone by Their Physical Appearance
Weight, skin color, hair color, eye color, disability, clothes, hygiene, etc.
All of those things are distractions and illusions.
None of those things are the soul within.
When you judge, you are only seeing your own fears mirrored in another being.
Judging others simply limits your own growth.
We each have no idea what a person’s soul plan is, what they have been through or what their purpose is on this planet.
Look into their eyes – feel their soul – know that every being matters!
Channeled by Jan Toomer
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