The previous News and Views were channeled from two deceased humans who had lived in my lifetime; crossed over and are now working with those who are still in human bodies.
This next one is channeled from another being who has worked – from the other side – with humans for a very long time.
To help streamline, I will consider the previous two presenters as presenters #1 and #2. That makes the following from presenter #3.
Holding Back
Many messages have been presented about standing in your truth and being true to yourself.
Many have understood and worked towards these goals, but I’d like to go a bit more in depth.
We are not trying to undermine your progress, and are very proud of your hard work.
As people’s abilities surface, some are holding back – either hiding the ability or hiding the strength of the ability.
If you think about that action (holding back), it really isn’t standing in your truth.
We aren’t saying step into ego – only to own and accept responsibility for all of you.
When you don’t accept all of self, then there is still fear. Perhaps “programming” to feel “normal” and be accepted by your peers or society is what holds you back.
Not only are many others experiencing this, but many also feel very alone with this.
You are not alone. Your teams (guides) are with you to aid you with this.
Please embrace your being and your abilities. It’s time to accept and claim you.
Channeled by Jan Toomer
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