~ Chaos and Disruptions of Flow ~

  • Cranky
  • Tired
  • Easily flustered
  • Scattered – not focused
  • Chaos creators

If you’ve not noticed it around you, you’ll either notice soon, or, another thought; are you one of the chaos creators?

I’ve noticed it on my trips into town this last week – especially with drivers on the road. And with drivers, it appeared to be in clusters; not an incident here or there. One after another in a string of cars seemed to suddenly notice that they either missed their turn or exit and swerved to make an illegal turn or exit, with their actions creating chaos on the highway or interstate; or, taking an exit and deciding they didn’t want to get off, swerving back off the exit lane, across the grass and/or median and back onto the highway or interstate. Again, not one or two, but a string of cars at a time.

And crankiness – wow! I’d prefer people not go tot work if they’re exceptionally cranky. I know it’s not a realistic wish these days, but those vibes spread like a virus. This means we need to be extra vigilant to keep others’ crankiness at bay instead of allowing it to infect us, so-to-speak.


Some people are showing signs of fatigue. They are: draggy, dark circles under their eyes, yawning. Yep, we’re tired, and most of us are in need of some extra sleep.

Maybe this is where the crankiness stems from?

With these distractions – which are added to our other life distractions – some are creating chaos and disruptions of flow, such as the weird drivers actions as well as cranky people we experience at work, in stores, restaurants, etc.

What’s Causing This?

Because of the energies coming in, and of the disruptions and/or discordance, we may be, or see in others, being scattered, unfocused, or easily flustered.

In part, the energies coming through right now. Remember, a lot is in retrograde (so it might get a little more wonky with Mercury Retrograde adding its energy on July 26th), so this is in some ways stirring up some of our “triggers”, and in other ways, encouraging us to take a look at what else we may have shoved deep down in our energy – to aid us to clear this out.

This is also taxing our physical bodies, hence the need for more sleep.


– Laughter. Real, not spiteful.
– Get more rest; go to bed earlier if you need.
– Watch your body closely, including foods and drinks. What’s adding to this?
– Centering, grounding. If you don’t have a method, the shielding technique might be helpful.
– Patience, and slow deep breaths as needed. Repeat if necessary.
– Did I mention laughter?

by Jan Toomer


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