A closed book with a white cover lays on a bed of flowers and leaves. The book's title is "A Guide to 2024's Energies and Tips to Navigate Them Part One"

In this article:

How we are not the same beings we were; we’ve changed.
Stuck in a rut
Working on our own
Is your cup is full?
A brief look at discernment
What else might we be experiencing?
Stuff that’s not working anymore
Is My Energy Not Fitting?
The Collapsing of Alternative and Parallel Timelines

For those of you who know or follow me, you may have noticed that I’ve not written an article in a while, though I have done some short videos. You may have also noticed I no longer say, “My Team”. Instead, if I address beyond me, I will say something along the lines of, “I checked in with the energies.”

Why? Why am I no longer saying, “The Team…”? What’s going on? What are some things you can do to navigate today’s energies? Let’s take a look at those questions and more.

We Are Not the Same Beings

We aren’t the same beings we were at the beginning of August. And if you want to look back further, you’ll realize that not only are you not the same person since before the lockdowns, but changed again after the lockdowns, and then again April 2024 and yet again August 8th.

Some things, foods, activities and/or people that you enjoyed before may no longer feel appealing. Why? Because as your frequency raises and your vibration changes, you may discover that some people, foods and/or activities no longer appeal to you; they no longer fit your new frequency or vibration. If this is the case, you may want to go on a journey of discovery to find what now may carry the frequencies that resonate with you. You may also find yourself searching for something to ignite a spark in you. This could be searching for new interests, hobbies, career or something else that sparks that passion in you.

Stuck in a Rut?

And you may be feeling like you’re in a holding pattern. Let’s take a look at those who are frustrated and/or feeling like they’re stuck in a rut.

I’m not sure how many years ago it was the Teams aided me writing articles over those years on healing and releasing any anchors of any kind from your past. If you haven’t done this yet, this could be why you are at a standstill right now. Your energies are shoving these anchors and/or unresolved stuffed energies within you into your face for you to address them…now.

Those articles about healing and releasing led into ones about accepting responsibility for one’s own thoughts, actions and words, followed by learning to trust what you – your energy and your beingness – is communicating to you.

Working On Our Own

Our Teams have backed away. They are not gone, but they are no longer so prominent. This is – in addition to working on our galactic plan or mission (See more: A Sit Down with my New Team) — so we can work on, and rely on, ourselves; our higher self; our own energy and discernment.

Look at it this way: as toddlers learning to stand and walk, our parents only guarded us enough to keep us from serious harm. The more we practiced, the less reliant we were with their guardianship in regards to learning to walk unaided – by ourselves.

So, too, our Teams are in the background now so we can build our proficiency in walking on our own.

Is Your Cup Full?

If your cup is full, then you aren’t able to receive any more.

Fears, anger, hate, wanting to play the victim, and so forth…so all the negative emotions that have been bubbling up have filled up your cup. How can you receive anything else if your proverbial cup is full? Your energy has no more room to accept anything new until the negative emotions, inner turmoil, etc. has been healed and released.

And if you’ve been working with me, you may have noticed that – if your cup is full – I will not read any further energies until you have worked out what you are filled with. When it’s so full, you cannot hear or bring in anything else until you’ve dealt with what is waiting in your full cup. I can offer, “Choose/decide/do what feels right for you,” and I’ll wait for your cup to have more room.

This does not mean I’m shutting you out. I can listen; be a shoulder to cry on; and when you’ve not been able to get off that merry-go-round or out of that rut, I will recommend seeing a counselor. When you’ve healed that which kept you going around and around, we can continue to our work together.

Now, if you are electing to play the victim over and over – which could be because you feel you’re getting something out of it, like the drama-fix or sympathy – I will not play that game. Or those in the victim mode who are truly traumatized and stuck in that, then I recommend seeing a counselor.

And sometimes there just are no words for me to impart. In those instances, I can listen. I can hug. I can be with you as you work it out. But, I will no longer play on that merry-go-round or jump down into that rut.

Discernment – Listening to Self

Now we are having to buckle-down and use discernment; listen to self and no one else outside of self.

Your energy – your beingness – knows truths. Let go of listening to everyone else, even if they are saying exactly what you want to hear. Lies, misdirection, misinformation abound and can be neatly wrapped up in a small tidbit of truth to try to hide the bigger picture of deceit from you. There are too many illusions shown and spoken today; don’t fall for it. Listen to what your beingness says or feels about what is said or shown to you.

Also, just because it may be from someone popular or known that is saying it, doing it, singing it, or putting it on display does not mean their presentation is innocuous.

EVERYTHING is energy, including vibrations and frequencies. If you don’t listen to yourself, what are you blindly energetically letting into your being and energy? How much of your energy and/or power are you giving away?

What Else May We Be Experiencing?

You may or may not be experiencing now (or later) what is listed below. Please don’t think that just because you don’t experience what I list, that something is “wrong” with you; there is nothing further from the truth. Each individual has their own path and experiences things as per their life journey.


You may find that those who aren’t at the same frequency and/or vibration as you disappear or fade away from your life. That’s okay.

You may also find that interactions with others strongly reflect the energy you are putting out. For example, a stranger may enter your life that reflects back to you what you are putting out.

If you’re working on holding the highest and best frequency and timeline for you, others who match that frequency may cross paths with you, possibly seemingly out of the blue or an unlikely scenario to you. It doesn’t mean that the other person will stay in your life (or they might…your call and theirs), but they are showing you at the moment what kind of energy you’re emitting.

It’s Not Working Anymore

You may find that things, including a way of thinking or the way you used to accomplish ____________ (fill in the blank) doesn’t work anymore; or it may feel like you’re struggling to get through it, or feel like you’re fighting against an invisible current.

The old energetic ways are falling away. I recommend you ask yourself, “How can I come at this a different way?” Think outside of the comfortable box you’ve been in and find a new perspective or view.

Is My Energy Not Fitting?

I’m not sure if anyone else has experienced (or will experience) this, but I’ll share just in case.

I’ve been experiencing bouts of dizziness (more on this shortly), and I’ve had bouts of feeling like my energy isn’t fitting into my body. It feels like my body is too small to contain my energy.

The first time I experienced this, I was pulling at my shirt like it was too tight. I changed shirts. Then I changed my shirt again. I couldn’t get comfortable. I sat down and tuned into my energy to find out what was happening. Did I gain so much weight overnight that my shirts don’t fit?

No, that wasn’t it. I energetically looked at my energy. It was my energy and body that wasn’t working right – it had nothing to do with my shirts.

I felt like my body was too small for my energy.

Then I remembered that one of the tasks we came to Earth for in this lifetime was to heal all timelines, ancestral and blood lines, and alternative and parallel lifetimes.

Collapsing of Alternative and Parallel Timelines

We are experiencing a merging and collapsing of alternative and parallel timelines.

Remember that time is not linear. All of our “past” and “future” lifetimes are happening concurrently with out “current” lifetime.

As the alternates come together and merge with our “current” timeline, we may temporarily feel fuller or bigger than our physical body, while we energetically work on incorporating and integrating the other timelines into this one.

This can also bring bouts or waves of dizziness (baring any medical issues) until we’ve merged the incoming timeline. And it’s not just one coming in – there are many, though we do get a little breather in-between them so we can adjust.

This may also increase the number of Mandela Effects in your reality. For me, this is the third time (so at least 3 timelines) that Richard Simmons has passed away. Mandela Effect.

With the merging of timelines, you may also experience the Mandela Effect on a more personal level. I recently had one that I’ll share.

I have a morning routine which includes turning the stove on to heat water for my hot cacao. The kettle heats up while I prep my breakfast. By the time my breakfast is ready the kettle will begin to whistle.

One morning I finished my breakfast prep and the kettle hadn’t whistled. I turned around and saw there was no flame under the kettle. I shook my head and chided myself for apparently forgetting to turn it on – something I’d never done before.

I walked to the stove and noticed steam coming out of the kettle. The burner knob was turned off. I reached out to touch the kettle…it was definitely hot.

I poured my hot water into my cup. Letting my cacao steep, I grabbed my breakfast and ate.

When I was finished, I checked in with the energies to see what had happened.

I saw that a merging of timelines had occurred when I was fixing my breakfast. Apparently on an alternative timeline, the kettle had completed heating up and the burner was shut off… so that timeline merged on top (for lack of a better description) of my then current timeline, making the task of heating the water complete. Weird. Mandela Effect.

Another example could be: I cleaned off the kitchen counter, grabbed the wash rag and washed the counter. I turned back to the sink, rinsed out the rag and hung it to dry. I grabbed a towel to dry my hands and turned back to the counter. I was dirty again. I knew I cleaned it; my hands were still wet from the wash rag.

So when the timelines merged, the one where I hadn’t cleaned the counter yet “overwrote” the one where I had cleaned it.

For other examples of the Mandela Effect, you can search and explore online yourself.

* Reminder: You accept responsibility for your own actions, thoughts and words.

Next week: A Guide to 2024’s Energies and Tips to Navigate Them – Part Two

By Jan Toomer


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