The following is my interpretation of my own experience and my own frustrations, (alternative healings are not to be substituted for medical professional care – please check with your reliable medical health practitioner).

I think the universe is testing my sense of humor (or lack thereof) concerning a large portion of western medicine practitioners/providers that I have had contact with.

And before you go there, yes, I am an energy healer – but even energy healers need assistance at times – not a cop-out; a reality.

The realization recently hit that my husband and I had been through 7 “providers” since we moved here – they had either died or left.

It has been through this process that I have re-learned that the majority of western medicine providers that we have had contact with only “herd the cattle through” – and we are left to figure out our own imbalances and seek advice and healing elsewhere.

Such has been the case – especially recently – here. Another provider, who actually knew my case history, is gone. A doctor came in, spent the majority of his time staring at a computer screen, looked at me twice (maybe three times), and at one point told me that perhaps I needed to see a nutritionist! Seriously!?  Argh! With my file on his computer and with his face in his computer, he still had no clue as to why I was there.

My lab tests (annual blood work) came back – showing that I was a male and did not fast for this test! The technician had asked me point blank if I fasted, and I said “Yes!” Seriously? I was right there! I participated in this conversation – we were face to face!

So, based on the erroneous information plugged in as the results were being correlated, I haven’t a clue as to the accuracy of it. According to Dr Provider, my blood results came back a whole lot healthier and cleaner than his (which was followed by the comment of perhaps me needing to see a nutritionist!).

I do appreciate the training, etc. that western medicine practitioners must go through to help the public – I do not appreciate being ignored (it is my body after all), being herded or dismissed by the very same person whom I hired/contracted to assist me.

The good news is that a week later, I went to see a visiting healer for whom my guides arranged permission to have her work on my body.

When I arrived for my appointment with this healer, I looked about 4-6 months pregnant and was having attacks every other day – with pain also under my right rib cage – and was thinking I had to relent and have surgery to have my gall bladder removed. I was gaining weight; I knew that I was not absorbing nutrients in any way, shape or form and was starting to become severely starved. My hair was falling out; my skin dried and weathered looking, my energy totally deflated, my body smelled funny, insomnia, etc.

I also had been suffering with my right leg being shorter than the left; then it would change and my left leg was shorter than my right; then back again. This created a lot of pain, inflammation and stress on my whole body.

I literally walked away – 2 hours later – without any more liver and gallbladder pressure – my abdomen had flattened, and was loose…and then my stomach growled! I hadn’t felt or heard from my stomach in almost a year. The pressure and pain was gone from under my rib cage.

I actually taste food again and my stomach continues to growl if hungry, and I can feel my body accepting nutrients again! I (hopefully!) no longer smell funny and actually have color back in my face and energy increasing daily.

The day after my first visit, I apparently did a liver purge – anger, frustration, and grief that had been stuffed into the liver to be dealt with later, came pouring out. Good news is that I recognized it for what was happening – also, that I only had to go back as far as shortly before our daughter’s death up to current days to purge. I knew exactly which emotion belonged to what memory as each one came up.

My legs were even in length when I left Tuesday. I saw the healer again Sunday; my legs had remained equal in length. Back, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain are gone.

Oh, and ten pounds fell off between Tuesday’s session and the following Friday (in three days).

So, no, I have no sense of humor when it comes to the twisted western medical abuse and neglect performed of late with me; and am in daily thankfulness for alternative healing.

by Jan Toomer



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