Energy Update – May 15, 2015

This energy update includes approximately the last three weeks. Our buttons are being pushed, again Electronic glitches Communication glitches Tired/exhausted Food adjustments For many, this has been ongoing – it just seems more intense and/or more “in your face” now....

Step Outside of Your Box

We are creatures of habit. We like our own little comfort box, and aren’t necessarily excited to step outside of that box. As you grow and your frequency rises, I highly recommend you step outside of your box. What Can You Do? Because we are growing and expanding...

You Never Know

As we progress on our journey of self-realization, spiritual awakening, and/or spiritual growth, we may help guide someone else on their journey and we may not even realize it. We’ve touched on this briefly before, but I would like to take a bit more in-depth look at...

Respect Starts With Self

The current theme – which began on a global scale about two months ago – is ‘Respect’. I have heard this from every person’s team that I have encountered as well as hearing it from Mother Earth’s team. The Respect that the teams are talking about is not the...
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