Ascending is Individualized

How can we, humans, and Mother Earth raise our frequencies to get to the fifth dimension when we still appear to be involved with an environment that has anger, manipulation, killing, etc.? Earth is, and has been, the “school of hard knocks”. Earth has been one of the...

Odd Energy Lately

You may have noticed that no article was put out last week, and many know that I often write articles in advance (except for the Energy Updates). This means that not only did I not write an article for last Monday, but haven’t written for at least two weeks. There has...

Literally Speaking

We have discussed this topic before (The Universe Takes Everything Literal), but the team would like to address it again. don Miguel Ruiz – author of The Four Agreements – had written that we need to “communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid...

Where Have You Been?

We all have been going through major changes – usually in waves and/or spurts – for the last three or so years. I have been asked, “Where have you been?” I am no exception to these inner shifts and changes. So, where have I been? I have been here and there. *grin*...
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