~ Being Triggered ~ I was having multiple surgeries in my mouth (in the same spot) so, yet another day of hoping we were done, I went in for a follow up appointment. When the doctor walked into the room, my heart sped up and my palms were instantly coated in...
When I wake up in the morning, and before leaving my bed, I connect to, and greet my Team. This is part of my morning ritual, if you will, to make a conscious effort to connect with them. On my birthday, I connected with my Team as usual…except this time was...
~ Training Wheels Are Coming Off ~ As the energies amp us to help us (our physical bodies; emotional traumas that are still hidden within our bodies; our energy fields, etc.), we are feeling worn-out, and some may even be questioning their decision to have carnated...
Your truths are yours. My truths are mine. Sometimes they overlap – and sometimes they don’t. But, it still remains: Your truths are yours. My truths are mine. Why am I bringing this up? For a few reasons, but for today it was because I was recently asked why I allow...
When we push, we are working from a place of fear. I’ll be too late Others will get ‘there’ first I’ll be left behind Others are ‘ascending’ faster than me There are also those who are trying so hard to create, manifest, or amp up their abilities. My advice? Don’t try...
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