How Can I Be Sure?

How Can I Be Sure?

When I asked my Team, “What should we write about today?” I kept hearing the first two lines to The Young Rascals 1967 song, “How Can I Be Sure”. How can I be sure In a world that’s constantly changing? ~ The Young Rascals             How...
I’m Not Worthy

I’m Not Worthy

So many people on the planet Earth have this thought or feel this deep within. “I’m not worthy of success/money/happiness.” But I’m here to call, “B.S.!” This feeling or thought is nothing more than programming you accepted/received as you navigated early in this...


Violet Flame of Transmutation Many energy workers had learned about the Violet Flame of Transmutation; sometimes called “sacred fire of transformation” or “violet flame of transformation”. The Violet Flame of Transmutation is said to be brought to us by St. Germain....
Remembering Who You Really Are

Remembering Who You Really Are

If I asked you right now, “Who are you? I mean, who are you really?” how would you answer? As touched on over the years, our first inclination is to respond with labels; labels that we’ve accepted from others or even assigned to ourselves to help us feel like we “fit...
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