Stand in Two Worlds

Stand in Two Worlds

Sitting in the hot springs pool on the banks of the Rio Grande, I watched a blue heron standing on the water’s edge. So still. So patient. Heron’s Message Heron reminded me that you can be of both (or many) worlds and can obtain and maintain balance, stillness and...
Coming Together

Coming Together

I stood at the sink washing dishes when I had quick flashes of being elsewhere and elsewhen. These flashes showed me, what looked like rapid video clips, in different lifetimes, starting with me being an Asian Martial Artist, practicing. Then a snapshot of this...
Take Time to Relax

Take Time to Relax

A single shoe in a dryer and the dryer is turned on. The uneven thumping of the shoe as the drum spins, dropping the shoe again and again. You cringe each time it thumps. You tighten up because you know it’s going to thump again, but don’t know when. And you can’t...
What Is Wrong With Me?

What Is Wrong With Me?

This is a question I have heard a lot these last three weeks or so. If you’ve no medical issues (see your Dr. for that) or mental health issues (see a therapist with this) – then I’m pretty confident that answer is “Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you.” Can’t...
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