It’s hard for me to hear those to be considered (by either themselves or by others) to be “spiritual” spouting – usually vehemently – “Us Versus Them” rhetoric or propaganda. How can there be an Us Versus Them when we’re all in this together? Fear. That’s how. Whether...
~ Expansiveness ~ This past week, I noticed there had been a rather large jump energetically speaking. It felt like, to me, that something had been removed from my shoulders – a weight that I hadn’t realized had been there – and I couldn’t even tell you what it...
My team has worked all these years through, and with, me to get articles and information out to help us each “wake up” from our dreams – the game of illusion we’ve been playing. The themes may have seemed repetitive, but they were – and are – necessary steps to...
Some of you may have discovered that when you became comfortable with your spiritual (or other) belief system, you may have experienced having the proverbial rug pulled out from underneath you. This probably made you pause and consider how that upset your “norm” and...
“Ordinary” seems to be fading from our vocabulary and with it – possibly – our hopes and dreams for the ordinary future. But is that a bad thing? Not necessarily. In this time of self-creating our futures and healing and releasing our pasts, we may be scared or...
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