As you all know, I quit doing Energy Updates because there have been so many accurate energy updates out there from other people. But I decided to do one today. I’ve heard from quite a few people these last three to four days about them feeling out of sorts. So,...
Each year I thank service members for their service and sacrifices. And, each year I think their family members for their sacrifices. Why? Because the service members sacrifice a lot to do what they can to help protect our country and rights. And, as a service...
Last week we took a brief look at T.S. Eliot’s No. 1 Quartet of his “Four Quartets” and his poetic thoughts on linear time. This week I’d like to take short snippets from his 2nd Quartet (East Coker) and his 4th Quartet (Little Gidding). Please keep in mind that I am...
Some people struggle with the concept that ALL time is happening simultaneously – past, present and future. Having had a group consciousness decision to play out our lifetimes on Earth utilizing a linear time format, I can see how the whole “it’s-all-happening-now”...
2022 Wow, 2022! Can you believe it? Here’s to breathing easy and enjoying others company. This free translatable newsletter is a mixed bag of metaphysical, spiritual, paranormal and of-interest articles — perhaps also some poetry, prose and events — compiled...
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