3D Time Trap

3D Time Trap

Some people struggle with the concept that ALL time is happening simultaneously – past, present and future. Having had a group consciousness decision to play out our lifetimes on Earth utilizing a linear time format, I can see how the whole “it’s-all-happening-now”...

Reality Undefined Newsletters – 2022

2022 Wow, 2022! Can you believe it? Here’s to breathing easy and enjoying others company. This free translatable newsletter is a mixed bag of metaphysical, spiritual, paranormal and of-interest articles — perhaps also some poetry, prose and events — compiled...
Peace Within

Peace Within

You can’t find peace outside of self if you don’t have peace within your self. On the surface it sounds like a catch 22*, and yet, it makes perfect sense. These last few years – and continuing today – has and is about clearing out our pasts; our unresolved, unhealed,...
Where Are You On The Scale?

Where Are You On The Scale?

Where are you on a scale of zero percent up to one hundred percent? The responsibility scale can be applied to an individual / self, and groups or organizations, businesses, your local town, city, state governments, federal government. This is based on my energetic...
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