by Jan Toomer | Jul 14, 2021 | Jan Toomer's Articles
As a lot of us are working to find our balance once again, I too am exploring, resting, and “tasting” to see what flavors I want in my life and how to present beneficial articles. Rest assured, most – if not all – will continue to be metaphysical, spiritual and/or...
by Jan Toomer | Jul 4, 2021 | Jan Toomer's Articles
As we step further in to creating our own reality and our own tomorrow, we may come across needs versus wants. Needs – in my mind – are what is necessary for survival of the human self. This can be food, water, shelter, clothes, companionship, love, creativity, etc....
by Jan Toomer | Jun 20, 2021 | Jan Toomer's Articles
In one of my cerebral days I connected to my team and asked, “What will happen to those who have had the currents shots and those who have not?” I was not, and am not, looking for blaming or shaming anyone for their decisions. The answer I received was, “Each...
by Jan Toomer | Jun 13, 2021 | Jan Toomer's Articles
Living in the haze of uncertainty seems to be a popular theme again. Some people are feeling a bit like floating in limbo – stuck in an in-between space, not sure where to turn. Why is this happening? Energetically, we are working on: 1. Restructuring the physical...
by Jan Toomer | Jun 7, 2021 | Metaphysical Book Reviews
Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke In Time REVIEW BY Janet Mawdesley June 7, 2021, 9:00 am Having a stroke in your early thirties is a lifestyle altering event, let alone when you are a person who was born with the additional skills of a multi-talented sensitive. Jan...
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