I’ve written before on how we’re working on clearing up, healing and releasing our pasts. I’ve touched briefly on clearing up, healing and releasing the past of our country. I’ve been asked to elaborate on the clearing, healing and releasing the past of the United...
~ Know Self ~ Since January 1st, people may have experienced something that they were presented with or confronted with that upset their balance. This may have been because something battered or upset a belief or understanding one had or has. We’d been previously...
~ Soul Whispers ~ The soul whispers may increase now. The drive, urge or desire to seek and find more. Not the material stuff. Your soul wants to do more to express itself. The soul is not separate from you. It’s not worried much about the physical material. It’s...
~ Portal ~ Q. What is a portal? A. A portal (aka doorway, wormhole, vortex), for the purposes of this article, is an opening or doorway from another dimension or plane to ours. This, depending on where the other end of the portal is located, can allow earthbounds...
Last week I posted the short article I’m Not Real – hoping to have you, the readers, take a closer look at the illusion of self. And I’d like to continue from that article. If my 3D physical representation body and name associated with it aren’t real…then what part of...
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