I saw a post making its way through Facebook. Though intended to be funny, it struck a chord in me. “Dear Friends Your Christmas gift this year is me. That’s right, another year of friendship. Your membership has been renewed.” ~ Unknown Again, it was intended to be...
If you take a look back from your past to today, you may begin to see how what you’ve experienced had progressed over time on a path to bring you to where you are at this moment. These can be broken down to physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual paths, keeping in...
~ Know Self ~ Many have had a feeling of disconnect, like being set adrift, possibly not knowing which way is up or maybe which way to go. Energy-wise, we have a bit longer before we become more settled in this newest energy. * * * You catch a glimpse now and then of...
Accepting responsibility is not about accepting blame or guilt. When someone attacks you, it was THEIR decision. It’s your decision to either remain in victim-mode or to accept responsibility for your energy. This means the care, management and maintenance of your...
~ Part One ~ *Hitchhikers Hitchhikers, also known as attachments, are those who intentionally or accidentally get stuck in a living person’s energy field. The most commonly recognized attachments were discussed in Attachments, Part 1. We are looking at today are those...
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