by Arthur Schobey A deep peace, a warm peace that allows the senses to really hear the sounds of leaves & birds & rain and children in the distance. A sense of calm that allows the smells to really reach and “ping” the...
Labels are tricky things. They help us communicate and provide an approximation of what we’re talking about with another person or people. Why do I say approximation? Because we each, individually, take labels first as the broad generally accepted definition and then...
I think we’ve all may have had, at least once, that one client, patient or customer who keeps coming back, but does so with a surly attitude and unkind words. I want to make this very clear…it’s not you. How can I be so sure? Think about it…if your service was truly...
News & Views from the Other Side Q & A’s With the Other Side Q. Home come some of the beings on the Other Side don’t have a sense of humor? A. It’s not necessary for their beingness or their soul jobs. Being an energetic being only is different than being in a...
August 8, 2019 Business Talk Radio short Interview Jan-Toomer-08-07-19-Metaphysical-Spiritual-and-Paranormal-Consultant-Chris * * * August 21 Business Talk Radio 1/2 Hour Interview...
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