Power Versus Empower

Power Versus Empower

When I work with someone or even just having a deep conversation with someone, I can be surprised by the information coming through me from the Teams. Such was the case recently when a friend and I were deep in conversation. We both received a quick lesson on the...
Karma Balancing Today

Karma Balancing Today

We’ve talked before how karma is the balancing of wrongs, and that now karma is having to be dealt with this life; no more carrying over to next lifetime. Karma is not really and “eye for an eye” as far as, for example, Mr. Smith murdered Mr. Oak, so next lifetime,...

Animal Reiki

If you volunteer (and is approved) to host a class or talk/intensive in your space with a minimum of three other people, you do not pay the class fee. For those hosting the Animal Reiki class, we’ll also need easy access animals whose owner(s) are willing to...

Talks & Intensives

I am currently offering Intensives in Las Cruces, El Paso, Deming, Silver City, and Truth and Consequences. If your area is not listed here and you’d like to bring the Intensives to your area, please contact me — and we’ll see if it can be worked...
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