by Jan Toomer | Jul 2, 2018 | Jan Toomer's Articles
This is a theory based on watching the energy of earth, officials*, the land, animals, etc. I’m not writing this to cause panic or fear. I’m writing this to get those with blinders on and those who are being apathetic to start paying attention. Don’t believe me – I’d...
by Jan Toomer | Jun 24, 2018 | Energy Updates, Jan Toomer's Articles
~ Facing Your Fears ~ Manifestation Fears The energy coming through has us taking a look at our own fears and insecurities, and can be presented to us through our daily interactions as well as our dream time. These are anything that we fear might happened to us, we...
by Jan Toomer | Jun 18, 2018 | Akashic Records, Jan Toomer's Articles
Flat or Round Earth and Parallel Earth Q. A recent debate has begun on whether Earth is flat or round. Is it flat or round? A. Neither, both…it is an illusion. It is what each person dictates. Q. What is the purpose of this Flat versus Round Earth theory and/or...
by Jan Toomer | Jun 18, 2018 | Akashic Records, Jan Toomer's Articles
The Akashic Records, also known as the Hall of Records, is the energetic recording of each being’s experiences and lifetimes or of the history of a place. Records can be accessed with the person’s permission; this means you cannot access someone else’s Records, or...
by Jan Toomer | Jun 11, 2018 | Energy Updates, Jan Toomer's Articles
Energy Foundation The energies are amping up again, and will reach is maximum (for this particular energy wave) around June 21st. Then it will hold itself steady for approximately five years. Wait! Don’t get too excited. The only reason it will remain steady is to...
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