by Jan Toomer | Dec 25, 2017 | Jan Toomer's Articles
We’ve discussed how we can no longer rescue* others; we can’t do it for them. It is time for each individual to accept responsibility for their lives, including their own actions, thoughts and words – as well as the consequences. For those who used to rescue* others,...
by Jan Toomer | Dec 17, 2017 | Jan Toomer's Articles
Spirits, teams, guides etc. are working more openly and physically now. Though it’s usually subtle interactions, it can be more direct. I jokingly refer to the more direct approach as “a brick aside the head” – meaning it’s in-my-face and there is no way to not notice...
by Jan Toomer | Dec 11, 2017 | Energy Updates, Jan Toomer's Articles
Tired. And Sore. And Hungry. So many energetic changes going on. Yes, we have the occasional breathers, then we continue on again. We are off, on, off, on again in many areas of our life. Solitude We crave solitude one moment And want to be with others the next....
by Jan Toomer | Dec 4, 2017 | Jan Toomer's Articles
Atlantis has been searched for and sought after for a very long time. Many places, around the globe, have been claimed or suggested as the site of the elusive Atlantis. From Morocco; Poverty Point in Louisiana; Malta; Santorini; to Bermuda Triangle and more. But it...
by Jan Toomer | Nov 27, 2017 | Ghosts or Spirits, Jan Toomer's Articles
We’ve discussed soul fragmentation, soul loss, and ghosts. We’ve discussed how some hauntings are actually two times lines (in linear language) momentarily or occasionally over-lapping; a time slip. This isn’t really a haunting since both time lines are alive...
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