Seeing Your Soul Growth Take a look at the animal totem Mouse, which represents scrutiny and paying attention to the minute details. Mouse energy sees that which is right in front of them. Eagle, however, has keen eyesight as he soars above and is able to see a bigger...
Relationship Upheavals Quite a few people may be confused, surprised, frustrated by, or stuck smack in the middle of, a relationship upheaval. The keyword for this round of energy tweaking is Relationships, and will continue until it’s all cleared up and cleared out....
I watch. Okay, that sounded a bit creepy; let me try that again. I watch what’s put out on social media – videos, photos, words and posters. I watch people around town; what they say, feel, do and project. I watch people’s responses. I watch the energy included (or...
The Little Black Book of Suicide Notes by Adele Paula Royce. Live Your Light Publishing; February 14, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-9981790-0-1 Received an ARC for an honest review. I was hesitant to read The Little Book Black Book of Suicide Notes at first. Why? Not only because...
Energy Download Symptoms With each energy surge (download or shift), our physical bodies experience changes – some are temporary, some are permanent. Temporary The temporary symptoms show up as we energetically and physically work on adjusting to and incorporating the...
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