Though I write of my perceptions and experiences, we are all multi-dimensional beings. But then again, aren’t we all one? _ _ I see what stories are made of: science fiction characters come to life; fears become reality; impossible dreams no longer unobtainable. I’ve...
~ Of a Dreamwalker ~ What is a Dreamwalker? To me, it is a person who is able to enter someone else’s dreams. This can be done to offer support, assistance, guidance, instruction or, in rare cases, extraction of the dreamer from the dream. A Dreamwalker is usually...
In my experiences, some ghosts* may ask their (still living in the physical) loved ones to forgive them. Spirits*…well, they don’t ask for forgiveness. Surprised? Yeah, me too, until they explained it to me. Ghosts, which we’ve touched on before, are still connected...
Waves of longing, alternating with regret, rolled off his defeated shoulders as he stood – transfixed – at the picture window. Shirtless and standing in a small puddle from the water dripping off of him, he glimpsed what he thought as an unattainable reality. An Hour...
During today’s meditation session, I was prompted to ask you all to hang in there. We all know the elections are scheduled for tomorrow. Angst, fear, unease, and an energetic buzz (not necessarily a pleasant one) are on the rise…not only within the United States, but...
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