Q. How can I (begin) working with my team/guides? I know you said to start by talking to them, but it feels awkward or just plain nutty. A. I recommend you begin by talking with, or to, them. You probably want to do this internally (in your mind) – though I personally...
Vengeance The energy coming through asks, “Is vengeance mine?” This past week I’ve been waking up with hearing the word “vengeance”, coupled with memories of incidents where harm came to me (as I perceived it at the time of each incident) from another person’s...
After the rather aggressive feeling energy brought in with this last full moon (extreme exhaustion, head and/or chest irritation, fluctuating appetite, sleep pattern disruption, sinus irritation, etc.), we have arrived at a crossroad of sorts. With this is: a sense of...
Starseeds: Dear Starseeds, Time to Wake Up and Embrace the 5D Love – Unity Revolution, by Steve Ahnael Nobel. LCS Publishing. Release TBA. After sharing a bit of his personal Starseed background, Steve Ahnael Nobel provided the reader with information about what a...
Part One The Old Ripple Effect Yep, just like a pebble tossed into a body of water produces ripples expanding outward, our thoughts produce ripples. And just like the ripples in the water, when they encounter something in the water or path disrupting their movement,...
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