Heightened Senses

I’ve heard from people about having ishcombibbled, or extremely heightened senses: smell, hearing, taste, and/or tactile or touch. Thankfully for me – and hopefully others – I’ve been experiencing one heightened sense at a time. It first went wonky – an almost...

Step Out of Our Comfort Zone

My truths are changing; growing and expanding regularly. Your truths are changing; growing and expanding regularly. My truths are not necessarily your truths – and vice versa. And that’s okay. – – We set up boundaries and maintain our reality. We get...

The Little Things

When we’ve healed and released a lot of the bigger old energies, then we may begin to notice the little annoyances of old popping up. These are the little things that we each squirreled away; never dealt with; and/or never finished. We shoved them aside, where they...
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