Shielding Exercise
Shielding is a form of protection. We are bombarded with energy daily, and a lot of it, we don't really want. I recommend that beginners shield as often as possible - preferably at the top of the hour - to become well practiced at it. Do not use this while driving or...
Step Meditation
Below is the Step Meditation. Please shield before doing this exercise. Do not use this while driving or operating machinery. Because of the size of this file, there is only a short pause between 'steps'. Please pause your player in between, allowing yourself any time...
‘An Unconventional Journey on Finding My Lost Dog’ by L. Cook
"An Unconventional Journey on Finding My Lost Dog" by Liz Cook. A heart wrenching story of a much loved pet stolen from the Cook family. Liz Cook journaled her experiences in working to find her dog - using both earthly and spiritual means - and shares with the reader...
Empaths – or those with empathic abilities – can feel or sense someone else’s emotions…sometimes as if they themselves owned those emotions. This depends on the degree of their empathic ability. Strong empaths can absorb the emotions and/or feelings of those around...
My Descent Into Death by H. Storm
My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life by Howard Storm. (C) 2005, Doubleday. ISBN 0-385-51376-3. Storm began his story in Paris with his wife - in a group tour in Europe. It's in Paris that Storm becomes ill - a perforated stomach - which lands him in a Paris...
What is an earthbound? An earthbound refers to those whose physical bodies died, but the energy/soul remains on Earth. The reasons for someone not crossing over into the Light varies. Here are some examples: Someone not realizing they have died. If the death was...
Observing – #1
We’ve recently had a young lone coyote appearing around the outside of the house. We had guessed s/he was looking for rabbits and hares, since coyote was following their well known trails. I looked out the window and saw coyote with nose to the ground apparently...
What Do I See?
Sometimes I see; sometimes I “see” (in the minds’ eye); sometimes I sense; sometimes I hear; sometimes I feel; and often I get a combination. All emotions and interactions show on an energy level. For example, when I am watching two people, standing and facing each...
Do You Know You?
I was writing an article on laws of attraction (like attracts like) when I received a phone call from a dear friend – and lo and behold, we discussed that very same thing. When we got off of the phone, I realized that, although the topic is very important, there are...
Wondrous Times? Indeed!
Many people are experiencing the feeling of time speeding up. The hours, days, weeks and months seem to fly by…days seem shorter. One change that is occurring now is the time it takes for thought to manifest into our reality is a whole lot shorter – some may be seeing...
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