Teleportation (physically traveling from one place to another using only your mind – can be an item or yourself) may be closer than we realize. I feel that with the veil thinning so much between thought and manifestation, that we have the capability. So what’s...
My Reading from Elissa Heyman
I came to the reading without any specific questions in mind; willing to be open to whatever happened or came up. Please be aware that each reading is unique to the individual receiving the reading. I am writing of my experience only. In her hotel room, Elissa invited...
A Child of Eternity by A. Roche & K. Jorde
A Child of Eternity by Adriana Roche and Kristi Jorde. © 1995, Ballantine Books. ISBN 0-345-38-45-X. When Adriana was about three years old, she began speech therapy. Adriana is autistic. One definition of autism states that it is a condition of self-absorption – in...
Another Brain State Experience
See Liz Cook's (lacoyote) Brain State Experience
One Parallel Universe Theory
For every decision/choice you make, there is a parallel universe branching off, experiencing the decision/choice you DIDN’T follow. Using the letter “Y” as an example: you start at the bottom of the stem of the “Y”; you come to a fork in the road, make a choice…and...
“Mystical Traveler” – Sylvia Browne
Mystical Traveler: How to Advance to a Higher Level of Spirituality by Sylvia Browne. © 2008, Hay House. ISBN 978-1-4019-1861-3. This is the second of the two books I said I wanted to do a light review on – the first having been Spiritual Connections by Sylvia Browne....
See In The Dark
I was thinking about how, as a child (and a sensitive), I was afraid of the dark, but was too proud to have a nightlight. Born out of that fear of the unknown, I discovered the ability to see with my eyes closed. The dark no longer scared me. Well, as you probably...
New Beginnings – Part Two
Part One Part Four (Thursday Continued) Session Five Again, it appeared to finish quickly. One design today created the visualization of fairy dust (now, I have never really seen fairy dust that I know of, but that’s what my mind came up with) – a sense of enchanting,...
“The Psychic Healing Book”- A. Wallace and B. Henkin
The Psychic Healing Book by Amy Wallace and Bill Henkin. (c) 1978, Wingbow Press Books. ISBN 0-914728-34-2. Wallace and Henkin present a lot of information, tips and exercises in this book. Maintaining the belief that everyone has the potential, they cover beginners...
Lightworker’s Syndrome
We are all feeling the effects of time speeding up. We are tired, irritable, worried, stressed and sometimes don’t know if we are coming or going. And we are tired of watching others around us be greedy, angry, selfish, harming others and themselves, and in general,...
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