It’s Time For Intolerance To End
A question posed to me: How do you let go of intolerance and judging and move into tolerance? Let's take a look at intolerance; what does it mean and what does it create? Intolerance is an unwillingness to accept an energy, action or behavior, or belief that's...
Suicide Sucks
As you know, our daughter JoAnna committed suicide in 2009. Though her physical death occurred in 2009, she actually started her death process on September 11, 2001 – also known as 9-11. We were lucky in that we knew why she killed herself, but it didn't make that act...
Here Are Your Fears
That's right – we are experiencing and facing our fears. The energies has worked to help us release the past and learn new ways. And one way to help us is for our fears to be brought to the forefront. This is done on an individual scale, but also progresses to town,...
I’m Back!
I appreciate your patience while I took a two month blog hiatus; the first major one in over 10 years. I'd been working on a few different projects as well as lining up some others. I'll be sharing once they are finished. While taking a break, I was able to step back...
3rd Dimension Communication Can Lead to Misunderstandings & Miscommunications Mental Communication...
Medium FAQ’s
This section may be updated as your questions make their way to me. Contact Jan. Q. I shield self and home and yet still get darting orbs and/or other ghost manifestations in my house. Why isn't the shielding working? A. This is a common question from those who have...
The following provides links to one or more articles on Psychometry. Energy Impacted Item or Place A Day In the Life ~ Of A Psychometrist...
Multi-Talented Sensitive
The following provides links to one or more articles on Multi-Talented Sensitives. About Jan A Day In The Life ~ Of a Multi-Talented Sensitive in a Movie Theater...
More About Mediums
The following provides links to one or more articles on medium abilities. Channeling A Day In The Life ~ of A Medium A Day In The Life ~...
Earthbound Info
The following provides links to one or more articles on Earthbounds. A Day in the Life – September 27, 2020 ~ Of Investigating A Haunted Building Your Meta-Questions - December 2014...
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