So Much In Our Faces
When I started my first job at a business I was still in high school. I was hired part time at a small local chocolate factory. One of the perks of the job was the employees could eat as much chocolate as they wanted. All the employees had to do was pick their candy,...
Share Your Key
I struggled with writing an article for this week. I'll admit it, I'm tired. Not depressed tired; rather, I'm tuckered out from a pretty busy schedule. I'm not complaining though – I love what I do! I just had trouble finding a topic for the article. I sat and once...
Official Review: Re-Writing My Future by Jan Toomer
Post by Guda LM » 23 Nov 2020, 05:28 [Following is an official review of "Re-Writing My Future" by Jan Toomer.] Jan Toomer is a Metaphysical, Spiritual, and Paranormal Consultant. Since her childhood days, she realized she was unique and recognized...
Is Your Life Covid and Politics?
Is your life covid and politics? For some, that's what it seems, right? And we know that with both covid-19 and politics, there's a whole lot of uncertainty, misinformation, lies, confusion and fear. Very heavy in the third dimension energy. What a way to live, right?...
Getting To Know You
When I sit down to write, I ask my Team, “What shall we write about today?” For this article, the answer to that question was, “Getting to know you; getting to know all about you...”; the Rodger's and Hammerstein's song. I giggled as those two lines kept playing over...
Clean It All Up
I started back to physical therapy at a new place in the end of September. It'd been about a year since my surgery (and the screw ups from the surgeon and staff), so each week at this new place has brought much healing and progress. But I'm not done yet. As I work...
Waiting with Bated Breath
I talked with a woman when I went to pick-up my to-go order. We both complained about our state governor and her determination to kill off small businesses with her multitude of “mandates”, many that frankly defy common sense. The lady commented on the “Red and blue...
Undercurrents of Uncertainty
I'm sure we've all felt it...the undercurrents of uncertainty. Fear of not knowing what's coming in these uncertain times. And the undercurrent is growing. What does this mean for us? It means humans who are plugged into the drama and are saturated with the fear will...
It Will End by Eva Wolff
I am being channeled by one of my guides, Eva, part of my soul which did not reincarnate with me this time. Eva is the other half of my soul, along with Joseph who was our brother in human form. This message is not intended to be political or religious. It reflects...
Energy Update – October 11, 2020
~ Energy Drunk & Mercury Retrograde ~ We've so much going on in our physical reality – personally, locally, continent-wise, and the globe. And there's so much going on energetically. To help us, we've been gifted massive amounts of energy coming in; so much so,...
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