Undercurrents of Uncertainty
I'm sure we've all felt it...the undercurrents of uncertainty. Fear of not knowing what's coming in these uncertain times. And the undercurrent is growing. What does this mean for us? It means humans who are plugged into the drama and are saturated with the fear will...
It Will End by Eva Wolff
I am being channeled by one of my guides, Eva, part of my soul which did not reincarnate with me this time. Eva is the other half of my soul, along with Joseph who was our brother in human form. This message is not intended to be political or religious. It reflects...
Energy Update – October 11, 2020
~ Energy Drunk & Mercury Retrograde ~ We've so much going on in our physical reality – personally, locally, continent-wise, and the globe. And there's so much going on energetically. To help us, we've been gifted massive amounts of energy coming in; so much so,...
Closer to the Soul You
Like a wound covered with a bandage and it's time to take it off, we're afraid...we're afraid of what it looks like after all that time of healing. Asking ourselves, “What does it...rather, what do I look like?” We've spent a lot of time and energy healing ourselves...
A Day in the Life – September 27, 2020
~ Of Investigating A Haunted Building ~ The decaying shell of the building shares its memories in my mind, while the breeze whispers the hopes, dreams, fears and torments of bygone times. The echoes of the past beg to be acknowledged whilst the forgotten shades – some...
Please Don’t Feed the PK Manifestation
PK – or psychokinesis – is the act of energetically manipulating or moving physical items . Some examples of PK in the paranormal field can be: Objects moving by no physical means or physical disturbances (earthquakes, moving floorboards, heavy trucks driving by...
Be The Best You That You Can Be
Some of you know we've recently been adopted by a cockatiel. We weren't looking for an animal companion, but the Higher Power apparently thought differently. We live in the boonies. I mean we are way out in the desert. The cockatiel slammed his body into our picture...
I’d Created an Imbalance
Story Time The guest channeler told me something along the lines of, “You're going to be offered a seat on the human Council after you leave this human form. It was a surprise for you. Surprise!” “It's not a surprise. I wrote about that years ago. It's on my blog.”...
Your Meta Questions – August 30, 2020
~ All Roads Lead to Rome ~ Q. I'm a very spiritual person. I work energy, balance my chakras and explore the spiritual side of life. My partner doesn't get it. It's like we're from two different belief worlds – neither fitting in the other's. Yet we love each other....
News and Views from the Other Side – August 23, 2020
~ Spiritual Roles on Physical Earth ~ We see the struggles you have during this time, and we encourage you to release the fear anytime you feel it trying to creep back into your being or energy. Though you may not feel it, “see” or sense it, your guides have walked...
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