Energy Update – May 31, 2020
~ Back To Work ~ I know many people go back to their jobs on Monday, but that’s not what we’re discussing today. It’s back to work on self. Astrologists have already put out information about the planets Pluto (until Oct. 4th), Venus (until end of June), Jupiter...
What Do You See?
I connected with my team to do today’s article. Then I disconnected, reconnected and disconnected again. I kept seeing COVID-19 masks on people. I thought I’d not cleared myself. So I centered myself and reconnected. Hmmm… I was connected. Yep, my guide was showing me...
Last week’s article introduced you and I to a rather cartoonish being named Mathis. He came in to help with that article, and popped in again for this one. He was a bit more serious and communicative this time. If you looked at the picture of Mathis, you probably...
Rummaging in My Memories
I asked my team of guides for a topic to write about, then waited. In my mind’s eye, I saw a critter. It had long chicken legs, a poofy body, sharp teeth and a twinkle in its eyes. It was orange and brown and reminded me of the Muppet’s™ drummer Animal in the color...
The new energy – as in never before experienced by humans on 3D Earth – is ready and waiting for each of us to use to consciously create. We, as the human race, have a tendency to kind of make things a little more difficult than need be; this is true as well for...
Working the New Energy
While we’re in this energetic resting phase, it’s recommended you start thinking about, and creating, what you’d like your new norm to be. If you want the Earth to be clean, green, healthy and balanced, then you need to create that picture and/or feeling in your mind....
My Soul Sighed
The constant din was just about gone. I’d not even consciously knew it’d been there…until the self-quarantine. We humans make so much noise. We do with this with our vehicles, running appliances, microwaves, radios, wi-fi’s, etc. And with our busy thoughts and minds;...
The Others
I’ve not written much about the Others (those not from Earth – aka alien) before. Why? Perhaps because it can be such a controversial topic or a trigger topic. Perhaps it’s because when I tried sharing my experiences when I was a child, it wasn’t received well at all....
Our World Has Changed
A lot has transpired since I last posted. Some complained that I’d not posted anything and they really wanted to hear from me about the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus). Others still asked if I’d come down with Covid-19. I did not test positive for viruses, but did...
The Illusion of Time
Our sense of time may be feeling like it’s becoming skewed. - We may be feeling like, though the days may speed by, the week takes forever. - Or vice versa; the weeks speed by but it feels like the days drag on. - What happened a week or two ago may feel like it...
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