Membership Renewal Time?
I saw a post making its way through Facebook. Though intended to be funny, it struck a chord in me. “Dear Friends Your Christmas gift this year is me. That’s right, another year of friendship. Your membership has been renewed.” ~ Unknown Again, it was intended to be...
If you take a look back from your past to today, you may begin to see how what you’ve experienced had progressed over time on a path to bring you to where you are at this moment. These can be broken down to physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual paths, keeping in...
Energy Update – November 10, 2019
~ Know Self ~ Many have had a feeling of disconnect, like being set adrift, possibly not knowing which way is up or maybe which way to go. Energy-wise, we have a bit longer before we become more settled in this newest energy. * * * You catch a glimpse now and then of...
Psychic Attacks – Part Three
Accepting responsibility is not about accepting blame or guilt. When someone attacks you, it was THEIR decision. It’s your decision to either remain in victim-mode or to accept responsibility for your energy. This means the care, management and maintenance of your...
Psychic Attacks – Part Two
~ Part One ~ *Hitchhikers Hitchhikers, also known as attachments, are those who intentionally or accidentally get stuck in a living person’s energy field. The most commonly recognized attachments were discussed in Attachments, Part 1. We are looking at today are those...
Psychic Attacks
Not every disturbance is a psychic attack during sleep time, though they to do occur. Hypnagogic (going to sleep) or hynopompic (waking up) hallucinations can occur, in essence, in dream time. Sleep paralysis. The standard thought on this is the process where our...
Blindly Follow
So much seems to be going on and possibly throwing some off kilter. Politics, both personal and business relationship upheavals, and even the weather. We don’t know who to trust. It may even seem like nothing around us is stable or reliable anymore. And isn’t it...
Energy Update – October 6, 2019
~ October Brings New Beginnings ~ September was a doozy! It was about reconnecting with our past. Many of these connections had been formed in third dimension energy. The energy last month asked us if we wanted our current or past situations and relationships – which...
Chasing Shadows & Rainbows
Shadows shift and change with the movement of light, creating a sense of movement. This can light your imagination…what’s hiding in the shadows? You imagine what it may look like, this thing lurking in the darkness. What does it feel like? What might it do? You build,...
Some people get upset talking about politics of any kind as well as religious or other beliefs. Humans will defend their beliefs sometimes loudly, angrily, or violently. Why? People want to be heard, and some people crave external validation. Some feel they have to be...
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