
In this video, we take a look at Claircognizance, which is the ability of having clear knowing. A "knowing" is when the information is just there, within you.       by Jan Toomer  

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Metaphysical #14 – Empaths

In this video, we take a look at being an Empath. Empaths have the ability to feel other's emotions as though they were their own. Let's dive in more!     by Jan Toomer  

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A Snippet From “Prophecy Revealed”

Here's a snippet from the draft of my next upcoming book, Prophecy Revealed; the second book in the World Paranormal Organization series. This is the conclusion to the first book, Cursed Dagger and Dragon (available on Amazon). You can see more on Cursed Dagger and...

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Metaphysical #27 – Why Can’t I See?

In this video, I address the question I've been asked off and on over the years: Why Can't I See? Why can't I see the deceased? Why can't I see "Other"? I worked with one woman for a long time to help her "See" a deceased loved one. I discuss in this video why it...

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Step Out of Fear

First, I’d like to remind you that there are only two main emotions. Sure, we have loads of names for varying degrees of those two emotions, but there are only two: Love and Fear. Simply put, if something is not of love, then it is of fear. How can you tell which one...

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