Energy Update – January 15, 2018
The Recipe For This Month A dash of depression, a tad grumpiness and a smidgen of irritability. All this sprinkled with bouts of happiness, contentment, joy, inner peace. Mix in a little of feeling like being pulled into many directions and a chance of sniffles or...
May Light Pave Your Way
You come to me in your dreams - seeking solace from your torments. Your frustrations, fears and loneliness ripple across the dimensions. Your tears spill on my floor. And I can only offer a soft palliative. I cannot take this pain from you, For it is of...
Energy Update – January 5, 2018
Depression Anyone? Heads up, folks. It appears many are in the midst of depression – kind of feeling like its kicking butt. I’m not sure why, but for some, the energy I spoke about on Monday has put some into a panicked tailspin. Is it fear of creating your tomorrow?...
Energy Update – January 2, 2018
Setting the Tone for 2018 The intensive pace, energetically, we’ve been experiencing is calming down a bit today. It is providing us with an opportunity to be able to enter a calm space within to work on our individual tomorrows. We are being asked to think about,...
Reality Undefined Newsletter – 2018
Another New Year! I wish health, balance and harmony for you and yours in 2018. This translatable newsletter is a mixed bag of metaphysical, spiritual, paranormal and of-interest articles -- perhaps also some poetry, prose and events -- compiled into a free monthly...
Action or Allow?
We’ve discussed how we can no longer rescue* others; we can’t do it for them. It is time for each individual to accept responsibility for their lives, including their own actions, thoughts and words – as well as the consequences. For those who used to rescue* others,...
Subtle and Direct Approaches in Guidance
Spirits, teams, guides etc. are working more openly and physically now. Though it’s usually subtle interactions, it can be more direct. I jokingly refer to the more direct approach as “a brick aside the head” – meaning it’s in-my-face and there is no way to not notice...
Energy Update – December 11, 2017
Tired. And Sore. And Hungry. So many energetic changes going on. Yes, we have the occasional breathers, then we continue on again. We are off, on, off, on again in many areas of our life. Solitude We crave solitude one moment And want to be with others the next....
What if Atlantis Wasn’t on Earth?
Atlantis has been searched for and sought after for a very long time. Many places, around the globe, have been claimed or suggested as the site of the elusive Atlantis. From Morocco; Poverty Point in Louisiana; Malta; Santorini; to Bermuda Triangle and more. But it...
Soul Fragment Ghosts
We’ve discussed soul fragmentation, soul loss, and ghosts. We’ve discussed how some hauntings are actually two times lines (in linear language) momentarily or occasionally over-lapping; a time slip. This isn’t really a haunting since both time lines are alive...
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