It’s Time to Make Different Choices – Part One

No waa-waa, “I’m offended,” crap. Seriously? We all have the right to our opinions, beliefs, clothing choices and thoughts. Quit crying “offended!” If there is something about them/their business you don't like, just don’t use their business or hang out with them. If...

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If Your Answer Gives You Pause

Release it. All of it. Pain, separation, frustration, anxiety, hostility, selfishness, greed, panic, despair, distress, racism, persecution, judgment, disrespect, hate, demoralization, condescension, guilt, envy, jealousy, shame, sadness, doubt, bitterness, anger,...

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Energy Impacted Item or Place

This is an item or place that has been affected by either energy residue or an attachment. Remember ever picking up an item, putting it down, and wiping your hands on your pants or skirt? That was you reacting to an unpleasant or negative energy on, or in, the item....

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Energy Update – July 3, 2017

Juggling the Energies We are working hard on releasing the third dimensional illusions of “reality”, and your third dimensionally programmed energy and mind may be freaking out a bit, wondering, “What am I supposed to hold onto, or believe in, now?!” Here’s what some...

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A Day in the Life – June 2017 Part Two

~ of a Psychometrist ~ Part One What Are Some Uses for Psychometry? It is one way to gain more information on, as an example, a missing person or pet. Some cold cases benefit from a psychometrist’s touch. Since all types of energy readers are tapping into the “...

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A Day in the Life – June 2017

~ of a Psychometrist ~ A psychometrist* is an energy reader who has the ability to receive information through touch. When they touch an object, item, photo, animal or person they are able to receive information. The information can be received in any number of ways...

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I’m Sorry I Made You Cry

Distressed at seeing her cry, I apologized. “I’m sorry I made you cry, Granma.” She’s been here since Monday. It wasn’t until today, Thursday, after I made her cry, that she told me why she was here. Yesterday and today, I did some energetic work on, and for, me. I...

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Energy Update – June 5, 2017

Change and Release As we gear up for this next full moon, some are still working to rebalance from the last big energy download. Quite a few have experienced – or are now experiencing*: - Unexplained weight gain (coming on quickly and without any personal habit...

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Energy Update for Full Moons

Full Moon Disruptions Most of you know the usual pre- to post-full moon energies and how they can possibly: - disrupt our normal sleep patterns - bring bizarre behavior out in people - exacerbate mental health issues - bring waves of crankiness or sharp tongued...

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Your Meta Questions – May 2017

Q. Do you channel or get messages from stars (movie, actors, music, etc.)? A. Yes. The News and Views From the Other Side messages can come from anyone, and from any when, to help us on our journey in the physical. However, I take into consideration the message they...

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