Something to Get Excited About
There’s a lot going on – energetically, spiritually and physically. The “buzz” on the Other Side is of excitement and preparation and it has started filtering down to humans, animals and Mother Earth. Why all the hubbub? We’re growing up. Seriously. Humans –...
Creating with Conscious Intent
My team recommended taking some time off (working with them as a conduit and/or channeler for them). I didn’t ask why, I just took time off and enjoyed it. I sat down to write today, and my team remained respectfully quiet. I asked why they were still being quiet....
Energy Update – October 29, 2015
Wowzer! Are you feeling it? This extreme energy is packing a punch, and right where it seems to hurt; flicking a raw nerve or exposing a weak link in our self-adorned armor. It began last week, and this last full moon (aka Super moon) kind of pushed us to the edge....
Your Meta Questions – October 2015
Please remember, take what feels right to you and shelve or discard the rest. I am sharing my understandings, perceptions, views. That doesn’t mean you have to like or accept them. Q. A deceased grandmother seems to be around her children and grandchildren. Yet, a...
Morning Grumps
Sandwiched between a night of wonderful, peaceful rest – and the anticipation of the new day’s adventures – is waking up cranky, frustrated, angry or annoyed…every morning lately. I’ve the morning grumps. And it sucks crunchy peanut butter. The focus of these...
Energy Update – October 15, 2015
Off We Go! Mercury went direct on the 9th and we are feeling the abrupt forward thrust now. Along with this, we are being asked to focus and pay attention to our thoughts, as things speed up. If you thought the communication glitches were over because Mercury went...
You Are Not Alone
“We are proud of you. Those who are in the physical form and are working to remove lifetimes of fear, anger, imbalances, etc. – all while helping others, as well as raising the Earth’s consciousness and energy. Yes, the Earth is conscious. We have shown (Jan) glimpses...
News and Views – September 28, 2015
St. Germain Series Discord and Imbalances (This is a continuation of articles prompted and guided by St. Germain’s energy) Last week we discussed: what you send out is what you will receive. Did you know that our – humans – discord and imbalances are mirrored back to...
Energy Update – September 23, 2015
Keywords and phrases: Anxiety, anxiousness Feels like something’s coming; feel something building Jittery, restless Drifting Unfocused Sleep pattern disruptions Exhaustion Weird “symptoms” (where doctors cannot find the cause) Just as we have been shaken up to release...
It’s About How You Handle Your Experiences
I want to thank you for inviting me here tonight. I did notice that some of you openly wore your animosity towards my presence here. I asked a few of you, you who did show or somehow express animosity towards me, if you bled green or purple blood. And when you...
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