Leaving the Drama and Trauma Behind
If you look at your life on a daily level: How many people do you interact with? How many places do you go (even if it’s within one building)? How many decisions do you make? How many compromises? Our days seem very busy or hectic. And yet, how many feel alone or...
Please Don’t Feed the Ego
Ego has been a topic that has been brought up in conversations off and on for two weeks now. In the past, I had a horrible fear of coming down with a case of “big head”; of becoming an ego-maniac. Whenever someone tried to compliment me, I was quick to use...
(The following was the opening introduction topic to A Lightworker’s Gathering held on May 22, 2014. This is only the introduction topic. The resulting discussions, and additional topics, are not presented here.) Remember, I am sharing my experiences, beliefs and...
The Truth is Working to Be Freed
While hubby and I were shopping last week, we had to hunt down an employee to assist us. We were then bounced from one employee to another. Frustrated, we sought yet another employee. When we explained what we had just gone through to try to get some help, she was...
Energy Update – May 16, 2014
Today seems to be a doosie. I feel like I am living in one of the old Batman television shows from the nineteen-sixties. Bam! Pow! The energy today is…interesting (for those of you who don’t know me, emphasis on the word “interesting” usually means I am not amused)....
Energy Update – May 12, 2014
This past week I have heard from people complaining about being unusually (not the norm for them) exhausted, off-kilt, purging (crying – or wanting to, sweating, etc.), can’t get enough/any sleep, wonky feeling, agitated or annoyed, trouble focusing or not staying...
(The following was the opening introduction topic to A Lightworker’s Gathering held on April 24, 2014. This is only the introduction topic. The resulting discussions, and additional topics, are not presented here.) Remember, I am sharing my experiences, beliefs and...
Book Review – The Afterlife of Billy Fingers by Annie Kagan
Review by Linda Aragon A True Story This engaging story is about the sudden death of the author’s brother and his communications that began soon after. Is this yet another book about afterlife communication? Well, yes and no… Billy was a heroin addict and an...
Acknowledging Your True Feelings and Thoughts
Words, written and spoken, are very powerful. With just one sentence a life can be changed forever…either destroyed or uplifted. The words that come out of our mouth can also tell us a lot about what we are perceiving on a non-physical level. Subconscious Talking Out...
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